Be sure to explore the details below, so you won’t miss a thing!
- School Library Month & National Poetry Month - View Our Libraries, Literature & Learning Collection!
Literacy, storytelling, poetry and journalism resources abound in our Libraries, Literature & Learning Collection! You may be surprised at the wealth of content you’ll find! View details on the Collection and descriptions of the Series below!
- Also in April, explore our resources for Yom HaShoah (April 7-8), International Day of Human Space Flight (April 12), Earth Day (April 22), International Chernobyl Disaster Remembrance Day (April 26), International Jazz Day (April 30) and more!
- Try out our resources for National Public Health Week (April 5-11) and World Health Day (April 7). We hope you will not only view them but also act on them!
- Be sure to view our Dates for Your Calendar and KnowItAll Resources below!
- eLearning information is also available on the SCETV website: https://www.scetv.org/education/servicesschool.districts/elearning
The BK Collection: All Things Ladybugs
Students will learn each stage of the ladybug lifecycle.
In this module you will label the parts of a ladybug by dragging and dropping the name of each part to the correct boxes. To learn more about each part, you can hover your mouse over the green magnifying glass.
Lesson Plans
Students will learn each stage of the ladybug lifecycle.
Students will brainstorm, write, and publish their own children's book depicting a theme of their choice. Students will use ladybugs as the main characters or other important pieces of the story.
Smart Cat had a lot of fun catching ladybugs at BK’s house. Can you help him count his collection? On each line, write the number of lady bugs in the circle.
Students will be working together in teams to create biodomes. They will be adding plants, animals, and decomposers to their biodomes.
The Chernobyl Event: An Update at 35 Years - Now Available on KnowItAll.org!
Thirty-five years ago on April 26, 1986, the largest nuclear disaster in history took place behind the Soviet Iron Curtain. This event impacted nature, nuclear science, the Soviet Union’s political outlook and economy, U.S.-Soviet relations, and the people who lived there and called it home. The Chernobyl event had ramifications not just to that area, but for the world.
The Chernobyl Event: An Update at 35 years airs April 25 and repeats April 26 at 7:00 p.m. on South Carolina ETV. The special program, produced by ETV Education, takes a look back at the history of the event, relates why SCETV and The University of South Carolina have been involved, and focuses on the continued study of animals, birds and insects as we look at the lasting impact of the Chernobyl event.
With naturalist Rudy Mancke and other special guests, Angel Malone with the SC Department of Education leads a comprehensive discussion highlighting the impact on humans and nature, scientific research, and actions to make the contaminated site safer. In addition, we delve into related environmental issues in our state and education for our students as we talk about why studying the Chernobyl event has relevance today.
Rudy Mancke - USC Naturalist-in-residence / Host of SCETV NatureScene
Dr. Tim Mousseau - Professor of Biological Science, University of South Carolina
Angie Hill - NBCT, Science Department Chair, Westwood High School, Richland District Two
Ann Timberlake - Timberlake Communications LLC / State Director, The Energy Foundation
Dr. Gordon B. Smith - Professor Emeritus of Political Science, University of South Carolina
Rare photos and video footage, captured by South Carolina ETV’s NatureScene production team when they were allowed to visit in 2003, provide a one-of-a-kind view, documenting evidence of the devastation caused by an accident of catastrophic proportions. At 35 years since the tragedy, it remains the world’s worst-ever civil nuclear disaster. The Chernobyl event on April 26, 1986, forever impacted people and nature.
Now available on KnowItAll.org!
From the Sky
A digital series that offers viewers a glimpse into the cities and towns of South Carolina from a “not often seen” vantage point – from above – using a drone camera.
Sisterhood: SC Suffragists: The Rollin Sisters
During Reconstruction, despite their inability to vote or hold political office, the Rollin Sisters, were among the most influential people in South Carolina politics. Born to an aristocratic free Black family in Charleston, the Sisters were noted for their influence and political savvy in Reconstruction politics. Their Columbia home, dubbed "the Rollin Salon," was the site for social and political gatherings where black and white Republican politicians and their wives mingled freely, advancing social causes and helping to shape the political climate of the times. In February 1871, Charlotte Rollin and her sisters received a charter for SC's first Women's Suffrage organization, the South Carolina Chapter of the American Woman Suffrage Association (SCAWSA), a coalition of blacks and whites working to enact universal suffrage, regardless of race and gender. This program examines the sisters' efforts and those of their cohorts, whose dreams were once centerstage before being crushed by the fall of Reconstruction.
SOLKIT: Guideposts for Black Girlhood Celebration
In February 2020, SCETV partnered with SOLHOT (Saving Our Lives Hear Our Truths) for Black Girl Genius Week 2020. Black Girl Genius week is a public campaign celebrating the creative potential and cultivating affirmative space for Black girls to be and become. While at SCETV, homegirls and participants sat for interviews about the worlds they wish to create. We present their guideposts for engagement. This piece features foundational scholars in Black Girlhood Studies, to include Ruth Nicole Brown and Nikky Finney.
History In A Nutshell
- Episode 9: Reconstruction Amendments (full resource including videos now available!)
The question of "the peculiar institution" known as slavery had been hotly debated long before the American Civil War. After the Civil War, Congress did not have a clear plan as to what to do with the millions of newly liberated African American "Freedmen". The Thirteenth, Fourteenth, and Fifteenth Amendments to the U.S. Constitution were meant to fix the social and political issues many African Americans faced. Resistance in both the state and federal levels made progress during the "Reconstruction Era" difficult, and ultimately caused the "Great Experiment in Biracial Democracy" to fail. Full and equal rights for African Americans, as well as minorities, would not be fully realized until the Civil Rights Act of 1964, and the Voting Rights Act of 1965.
For School Library Month & National Poetry Month Resources -
Knowitall features an extensive collection of literacy resources! Be sure to take time to explore!
Knowitall has produced Q&A video profiles with national authors and illustrators who visit South Carolina. These interview opportunities are provided by partners like the South Carolina State Library.
Storytelling should be a part of a student’s educational experience because it is a literary activity, a listening activity, a means of transmitting values, and a means of appreciating cultural diversity.
The storytellers in the Baker’s Dozen lessons were influenced by Augusta Baker, a well-known librarian and storyteller who worked in the New York Public Library for many years and taught storytelling at colleges across the country. These thirteen, renowned national and local storytellers were taped in the studios of SCETV as they told their stories in front of elementary-age students who asked the storyteller questions about their story and the art of storytelling.
Take a closer look at types of media like photography, radio, film, and television. Record your answers to the Write About It questions in a notebook or a digital document.
This series serves as a comprehensive contextualized support for developing writing skills in preparation for high school. Episodes can be used within and across curriculum areas to support many different applications of writing, from lyrics to persuasion to technical reports. In each program, students are challenged to approach a writing assignment in different ways. Strategies for organizing information and structuring personal schedules to complete assignments are depicted. Real-life settings where different writing styles are employed are carefully woven into the stories. Cooperative learning is emphasized. The new CLUB WRITE KIDS is a prequel to this series. Club Write is distributed by AIT (Agency for Instructional Technology).
Conversations with S.C. Writers
SCETV brings into the studio well-known South Carolina writers to share a little about their careers, writing process and more!
Grammar Pitfalls | Standard Deviants TV
The Standard Deviants clear away confusion and identify the most common grammatical errors.
Native Islanders share their folklore and history through storytelling and singing.
Idella Bodie’s Ghost Tour: A Writer’s Guide
Offers students and teachers a personal view of the writing process.
South Carolina and national storytellers perform interesting stories and talk about the craft of storytelling.
This series primarily teaches letter recognition and sound association to young children. In addition to teaching the common sounds associated with the letters of the alphabet, programs also help children sight-read common words and build confidence and excitement for reading. Every episode introduces some important cross-curricular content that can be developed into a broader learning activity in class. Other lessons focusing on letter combinations and reading rules can be found in LETTER TV II and LETTER TV III. Letter TV is distributed by AIT (Agency for Instructional Technology).
Literary Tour of South Carolina
Students meet nationally recognized authors who call South Carolina home. They learn about the writing process, making characters come alive on the page, creating the plot, and how important research is to any story, both fiction and non-fiction.
Produced by the S.C. Department of Education in conjunction with ETV, this phonetic series is designed as a review of decoding skills. Mama Phonics and her consonant and vowel children present phonetic rules in a fairy-tale manner. They meet "Detective WordFinder" and help him pronounce words.
Mary Boykin Chesnut | Idella Bodie’s SC Women
Mary Boykin Chesnut kept a diary during the Civil War. Events dramatized in this film were extracted straight from her diary.
National Book Month | Periscope
This collection celebrates books!
National Poetry Month: A World of Poetry | Periscope
Poetry is a language spoken around the world. Although you may not regularly sit down and read poetry, chances are you are exposed to some form of it every day.
Designed to teach sign language to teachers and parents of deaf children, this innovative series can also teach signing to classroom students. Through animation, real-life segments, and direct instruction by the series’ hosts, students can learn the fundamentals of this language in order to communicate with friends and classmates who use signing as their primary means of communication.
Pulitzer Prize Winners in South Carolina
Three programs that feature Pulitzer Prize honorees from South Carolina, including:
Celebrating Pulitzer Commentary with Kathleen Parker and Jim Hoagland, moderated by Charles Bierbauer.
Celebrating Pulitzer Novelist Julia Peterkin.
Celebrating Pulitzer Public Service Journalism with the Charleston Post and Courier.
Standard Deviants TV: Punct Rock covers the apostrophe, the dash, the hyphen, and answers the question, "What's Punctuation?"
Reading, Safety & Internet Safety Minutes
Two of these short programs provide a fun, unique way to encourage middle and high school students to read for fun as well as for information. The other four attention-getting vignettes are designed to help students understand how to be safe at school, at home and online. School Resources Officers talk about what is the safe behavior in each situation.
Scholastic Children's Stories are grouped into six collections: Families, Feelings & Friendship, Fantasy & Imagination, Favorite Animal Stories, Folk Tales & Fables, Multicultural, and Seasons & Nature.
Shakespeare | Standard Deviants TV
The Standard Deviants get up-close and personal with Shakespeare's famous plays, Hamlet and Macbeth.
Storytime with SCETV is an online series that promotes the love of reading and literary stories connected to South Carolina. In this series, Friends of ETV share and read literary favorites, many of which are connected to South Carolina. Packages include the reading and at least one supplemental teaching and learning activity.
Recommended for preK-3, Tune Up to Literacy encourages literacy using original songs by composer/lyricist/educator Dr. Al Balkin, composer who wrote music for The Hobbit, and several off-Broadway children’s musicals. The programs musically introduce and reinforce concepts such as punctuation and sentence construction.
Please note: This content was created as part of a college-level course. Some of the content may contain adult themes or language not suitable for all audiences.
For this workshop series, 15 major talents in contemporary literature met in a forum with well-known author William Price Fox and USC creative writing students. Each writer discussed personal writing methods, furnishing insights into the highly individualized process of literary creation. Featured writers include George Plimpton, James Dickey, James McPherson, John Gardner, John Hawkes, John Irving, Kurt Vonnegut, Nora Ephron, Pauline Kael, Reynolds Price, Stephen Spender, Susan Sontag, Tom Wolfe, William Price Fox, and William Styron.
Writers from the South Carolina Hall of Fame
South Carolina Hall of Fame honors and recognizes contemporary and past citizens who have made outstanding contributions to South Carolina’s history and progress. Writers Include Elizabeth Coker, Mary Simms Oliphant, Pat Conroy, Robert Bass, and Walter Edgar.
- American Writers
- Authors of Children’s Books
- For Young Readers
- For Young Writers
- Illustrators
- Journalism, Broadcasting & Communications
- National Book Month
- National Poetry Month
- Poets & Poetry
- Poets Laureate Collection | All Series
- S.C. Authors
- Shakespeare
* South Carolina educators, please register for an account on KnowItAll.org to gain access to all of the content that is available to SC teachers.
More Poets!
- Archibald Rutledge
- James Dickey
- Kwame Dawes
- Marjory Wentworth
- Reeds Rise from Water
- Singing Amazing Grace
- Talking About Amazing Grace
- Tommy Scott Young
- William Gilmore Simms
April 1 – Take Down Tobacco - Day of Action
- View resources related to tobacco here on Knowitall!
- Stop Smoking | Earth Today Kid Minutes
- The Tobacco Story | Pee Dee Explorer
- Tobacco: Present and Future | Pee Dee Explorer
- Reflections on the Tobacco Industry | Pee Dee Explorer
- The Last Auction, Part 1 - Introduction
- The Last Auction, Part 3 – Mullins Then
- The Last Auction, Part 4 - Pageantry
- The Last Auction, Part 5 – Replacing Tobacco
- The Last Auction, Part 6 – Economy and Segregation
- The Last Auction, Part 7 – History of Sharecropping
- The Last Auction, Part 8 – Changes in Farming
- The Last Auction, Part 9 – Today’s Challenges
- The Last Auction, Part 11 – Rebuilding Mullins
- The Last Auction, Part 17 – Last Auction
- Television – Newport Commercial | Artopia
- Critical Viewing: Cigarette Ads | Artopia
Lesson Plans
View the Libraries, Literature and Learning Collection.
- Ask an Author
- Baker’s Dozen
- Be a Media Critic
- Conversations with SC Writers
- Foreign Language Scholastic Series - French
- Foreign Language Scholastic Series – Spanish
- Gullah Tales
- Inside Storytelling
- Literary Tour of SC
- Mary Boykin Chesnut
- National Book Month | Periscope
- National Poetry Month: A World of Poetry | Periscope
- Pulitzer Prize Winners in S.C.
- Scholastic Children’s Stories
- Tune Up to Literacy
- Writers (from S.C. Hall of Fame)
- American Writers
- Authors of Children’s Books
- For Young Readers
- For Young Writers
- Illustrators
- Journalism, Broadcasting & Communications
- National Book Month
- National Poetry Month
- Poets & Poetry
- Poets Laureate Collection | All Series
- S.C. Authors
- Shakespeare
April 2: Love Your Produce Manager Day
- Learn to Vary Your Veggies and make a colorful salad with Healthy Hannah’s Healthy Choice Heroes!
- Find out about Vegetables and Farming – from Eye Wonder!
- Try growing Vegetables from scraps that usually go to your compost pile – from Environmental Minutes!
April 4 – Maya Angelou’s birthday
April 4 – National Hug a Newsperson Day
- View our Journalism, Broadcasting & Communications Collection
- View our Pulitzer Prize Winners in SC Series
April 4-10 – National Library Week
- Explore the many available resources in our Libraries. Literature & Learning Collection!
April 5-11 – National Public Health Week and April 7: World Health Day
- View our KnowItAll Healthy! Collection
- Growing Up with Smart Cat
- Exercise with Smart Cat
- EdAware: Eat Smart, Move More
- First Choice Fit
- Flu PSAs
- Healthy Hannah’s Healthy Choice Heroes
- Healthy Food, Farms & Gardens | Youth Media Health Institute
- Keep It Real – For ages 14 and above
- Reading Safety & Internet Safety Minutes
- Safe Students Safe Schools
- Safety City
- Youth Services
April 6 – National Library Workers Day
- Visit our Libraries, Literature & Learning Collection and tell your librarian and library workers what you found!
April 6 – National Student Athlete Day
- Try out our new series - First Choice Fit - with Marcus Lattimore!
- Explore content on athletes at various stages of their lives on KnowItAll!
April 6 – SAAM (Sexual Assault Awareness Month) Day of Action
- Teen Dating Violence | Palmetto Scene
- What is Human Trafficking | Palmetto Scene*
- Tabu Hazel, Spoken Word Artist | Original SC
- Dientje Kalisky. Part 1 | SC Voices: Lessons from the Holocaust
- Dientje Kalisky, Part 2 | SC Voices: Lessons from the Holocaust
* If you believe you know of someone who may be a victim of human trafficking, please contact local law enforcement or the NHTRC (National Human Trafficking Resource Center) Hotline at 1-888-373-7888.
April 7 – National Walking Day
- Walking the Dog | Healthy Hannah - View the Healthy Hannah’s Healthy Choice Heroes Series!
- Rosie’s Walk | Scholastic Children’s Stories
- Rosie’s Walk | Foreign Language Scholastic Series - French
- First Step en Français 108: Walking Through the Community
- First Step auf Deutsch 108: Walking Through the Community
- First Step en Español 108: Walking Through the Community
- First Step en Français AGAIN 408: Walking Through the Community
- First Step auf Deutsch AGAIN 408: Walking Through the Community
- First Step en Español AGAIN 408: Walking Through the Community
Lesson Plan
April 7-8: Yom HaShoah
Holocaust Remembrance Collection
- Holocaust Overview
- Seared Souls: South Carolina Voices of the Holocaust: Trace the events of the Holocaust through the testimony of survivors who settled in South Carolina. Interviews are combined with dramatic archival footage for a powerful and moving record of the inhumanity that was experienced during the Holocaust.
- S.C. Voices: Lessons from the Holocaust: Full interviews with South Carolinians who survived the Holocaust and those who liberated the concentration camps or witnessed the atrocities that took place.
April 8 – National Zoo Lovers Day
- Visit our Zoo Minutes Series
- Explore our Riverbanks Roundup Series
- More interesting topics are available in our Riverbanks Roundup Bits!
April 9 – National Winston Churchill Day
April 9 – National Former Prisoner of War Recognition Day
Explore content in our Wars and Conflicts Collection.
- Vanishing Generation, Part 4 – Prisoner of War
- Vanishing Generation, Part 8 - Liberated
- Andersonville Civil War Prison Camp | 27:Fifty
- Holocaust Remembrance Collection
"One day we heard something that was very disturbing to all of us. We heard for the first time about Auschwitz in Poland. That's where the killing was done. That we would be sent there, and that we would share this fate, none of us knew, not even when we were in Auschwitz itself." —Rudy Herz, Myrtle Beach Concentration Camp Survivor
"The inability to comprehend evil on such a scale gives evil an advantage. It allows evil to slip away from memory and be forgotten. It must not be forgotten, or it will come back again." —Miriam Chaikin, author of A Nightmare in History
"When I tell the story of my life, it takes me quite a while to get back to normal. I get nightmares. I don't mind having nightmares in order that future generations can benefit from it." —Ben Stern, Columbia Concentration Camp Survivor
"The wrongs which we seek to condemn and punish have been so calculated, so malignant and devastating, that civilization cannot tolerate their being ignored because it cannot survive their being repeated." —Justice Robert Jackson, Chief American Counsel at Nuremberg
Lesson Plan
April 9: National Unicorn Day
Have you ever seen a Unicorn Beetle? Now you can!
April 10: Encourage a Young Writer Day
- View our collection “For Young Writers” in the Libraries, Literature and Learning Collection.
- View our Ask an Anthor Series
- Check out our Grammar Pitfalls | Standard Deviants TV!
- Explore the apostrophe, the dash, the hyphen and more in Punct Rock | Standard Deviants TV!
- Take some inspiration from Shakespeare | Standard Deviants TV!
- Visit Club Write
- View Conversations with SC Writers
- American Writers
- Authors of Children’s Books
- For Young Readers
- For Young Writers
- Illustrators
- Journalism, Broadcasting & Communications
- National Book Month
- National Poetry Month
- Poets & Poetry
- Poets Laureate Collection | All Series
- S.C. Authors
- Shakespeare
- Baker’s Dozen (storytelling)
- Idella Bodie’s Ghost Tour: A Writer’s Guide
- Inside Storytelling
- Literary Tour of SC
- Tune Up to Literacy
- Writer’s Workshop
- Writers | SC Hall of Fame
Lesson Plans
- Artifactual Literacy
- Informative Writing
- Opinion Writing
- Persuasive Writing
- Persuasive Writing - Superhero
- Writing Letters
April 10 – National Farm Animals Day
- The Farm | Pee Dee Explorer
- A Living Farm Museum | Pee Dee Explorer
- Farm Festival | Pee Dee Explorer
- Trail Ridge Farm 1 | Youth Media Health Institute
- Trail Ridge Farm 2 | Youth Media Health Institute
- Wil-Moore Farms | Youth Media Health Institute
April 11 – National Pet Day
- View our Animal Lovers Collection!
April 11 - National Submarine Day
- H.L. Hunley Museum | Let’s Go!
- 3D VR – Hunley Museum | Let’s Go!
- Submarine – Eye Wonder
- Confederate Submarine C.S.S Hunley | History of SC Slide Collection
- CSS Hunley | Eye on the Past
- Raising the Hunley | Walter Edgar’s Journal
- A Giant Puzzle | Walter Edgar’s Journal
- H Is for Hunley | South Carolina from A to Z
- The CSS Hunley | Walter Edgar’s Journal
- The Hunley’s Design | Walter Edgar’s Journal
- The Hunley | Palmetto Special
- The Hunley, Conservation Efforts 10 Years Later (Full Version)
- H.L. Hunley Discovered | Project Discovery Revisited
April 12: International Day of Human Space Flight
April 13 – National Peach Cobbler Day
View our resources on peaches including these and more!
- Peach Farming | Pee Dee Explorer
- Peach Process | Pee Dee Explorer
- Where Does Your Food Grow? | Healthy Hannah
View our South Carolina Symbols collection under Topics in the Explore South Carolina collection!
April 14 – Look Up at the Sky Day
- Explore our new series – From the Sky!
From the Sky is a digital series that offers viewers a glimpse into the cities and towns of South Carolina from a “not often seen” vantage point – from above – using a drone camera.
April 14: National Dolphin Day
April 15: National Support Teen Literature Day
View our Libraries, Literature & Learning Collection!
- American Writers
- For Young Writers
- Illustrators
- Journalism, Broadcasting & Communications
- National Book Month
- National Poetry Month
- Poets & Poetry
- Poets Laureate Collection
- SC Authors
- Shakespeare
- Ask an Author
- Baker’s Dozen
- Be a Media Critic
- Conversations with SC Writers
- Inside Storytelling
- Literary Tour of SC
- Pulitzer Prize Winners in SC
- Writer’s Workshop
- Writers | SC Hall of Fame
April 16 – National Orchid Day
- Yellow Lady Slipper | The Cove Forest (a native orchid)
Lesson Plan
Mosquitoes are often thought of as annoying pests to be exterminated. However, they play a rather large role in the pollination of many flowers, including goldenrod and orchids. View lesson.
April 17 – International Bat Appreciation Day
- Bats, Bats, Fact and Myths | Project Discovery Revisited
- Red Bat | The Cove Forest
- Eastern Pipistrelle Bat | The Cove Forest
- Hampton Plantation State Historic Site | Destination: SC Parks
- Animal Myths | Riverbanks Roundup
Lesson Plan
April 17: Ellis Island Family History Day
April 17 – International Haiku Poetry Day
Lesson Plan
April 18: National Columnists Day
- Pulitzer Prize Winners in South Carolina: Commentary
- Pulitzer Prize Winners in South Carolina: Reporting
April 22: Earth Day
- Explore our Environmental Awareness Collection!
- Climate Change: A Global Reality
- Congaree Swamp Stories
- Documentary & Webisodes | Web of Water
- Earth Day – Project Discovery at Congaree National Park
- Earth Today
- Earth Today Kid Minutes
- Environmental Ed
- Environmental Minutes
- Natural State
- Saving Sandy Island
- Sea Change
You might be surprised at the wide assortment of topics in this collection, such as these!
View a few at a time or view them all! Choose a topic that interests you or one that you’re curious about!
- Acid Rain
- Air Quality | Earth Today
- Beach Sweep/River Sweep | Earth Today Kid Minutes
- Buy Recycled Products | Earth Today Mid Minutes
- Canoeing for Kids
- Carolina Marsh Tacky
- Champions of the Environment | Environmental Ed
- City Roots
- Disappearing Frogs Project | Palmetto Scene
- Dolphin Conservation
- Drip…Drip…Drip | Environmental Minutes
- Eco Adventure with Philippe Cousteau | Riverbanks Roundup
- Environmental Awareness | Pee Dee Explorer
- Environmental Design | Math in the Middle
- Greenhouse Effect | Environmental Minutes
In this Collection, there are too many programs available to list! Consider making recommendations to friends to view the ones you haven’t gotten to yet!
Toward the end of the alphabetical list are these assets that you won’t want to miss! Be sure to come back and explore them all!
- Recycle and Conserve | Earth Today
- Reef-X
- Sea Change, Part 1 - Introduction
- Straw Bale House
- Sustainability at Biltmore Estate
- Topiary Garden – Shaping
- Wetlands
- Worm Farming
Lesson Plan
Explore our Libraries, Literature and Learning Collection!
April 23: Shakespeare’s Birthday
- Costume Shop: Fashion in Shakespeare’s Time
- Theater – One Minute Art Lesson | Artopia
- Shakespeare (Hamlet and Macbeth Resources) | Standard Deviants TV)
April 26: International Chernobyl Disaster Remembrance Day
- The Chernobyl Event: An Update at 35 Years (coming soon)
- Nature Comes Back – 25 Years After Chernobyl
April 27: National Tell a Story Day
- Baker’s Dozen
- Conversations with SC Writers
- Foreign Language Scholastic Series - French
- Foreign Language Scholastic Series – Spanish
- Gullah Tales
- Inside Storytelling
- Literary Tour of SC
- National Book Month | Periscope
- Scholastic Children’s Stories
April 28: Great Poetry Reading Day
More Poets!
- Archibald Rutledge
- James Dickey
- Kwame Dawes
- Marjory Wentworth
- Reeds Rise from Water
- Singing Amazing Grace
- Talking About Amazing Grace
- Tommy Scott Young
- William Gilmore Simms
April 30: Dia! Diversity in Action Day/El Dia de los Niños
A celebration of children, families and reading, emphasizing literacy for children of all cultural and linguistic backgrounds.
- Ask an Author
- Baker’s Dozen
- Be a Media Critic
- Club Write
- Conversations with SC Writers
- Foreign Language Scholastic Series - French
- Foreign Language Scholastic Series – Spanish
- Grammar Pitfalls
- Gullah Tales
- Inside Storytelling
- Literary Tour of SC
- Mary Boykin Chesnut
- National Book Month | Periscope
- National Poetry Month: A World of Poetry | Periscope
- Pulitzer Prize Winners in S.C.
- Scholastic Children’s Stories
- Tune Up to Literacy
- Writers (from S.C. Hall of Fame)
- American Writers
- Authors of Children’s Books
- For Young Readers
- For Young Writers
- Illustrators
- Journalism, Broadcasting & Communications
- National Book Month
- National Poetry Month
- Poets & Poetry
- Poets Laureate Collection | All Series
- S.C. Authors
- Shakespeare
* SC teachers – be sure to register for an account on KnowItAll.org to gain access to all of the content that is available to SC teachers!
April 30: International Jazz Day
- Being in a Jazz Band | Artopia
- Chamo Pozo: Conga Player | Periscope
- Cheraw, Part 3 – Dizzy Gillespie | Palmetto Places
- Chesterfield County - Dizzy Gillespie Park
- Dizzy Gillespie | Periscope
- Duet Session – Marian McPartland & Joe Sample | Artopia
- First of All, What Is Jazz?
- Hugh Masakela | Artopia
- Jazz | Gullah Music
- Joe Sample Explains Poetry and Rhythm | Artopia
- Joe Sample, American Pianist and Composer | Artopia
- John Birks “Dizzy” Gillespie | History of SC Slide Collection
- Listening | Artopia
- Louis Armstrong | Artopia
- Marian McPartland’s Piano Jazz Recording
- Marian McPartland, Host of Piano Jazz
- Mary Lou Williams | Artopia
- Musical Influences | Artopia
- Practice | Artopia
- Reflections of Columbia, Part 4 – The Roaring Twenties | Carolina Stories
- School Project
- Scott Joplin
- Singing Amazing Grace
- SC Jazz Festival | ETV Shorts
- Spirituals and Jazz | Artopia
- Teaching Kids Jazz | Artopia
- The Harlem Renaissance | Artopia
- What I Love | Artopia
- What Is a Vibraphone? | Artopia
- What is Jazz | Auntie Karen’s Place
Knowitall.org features over 9,000 mobile-friendly videos, worksheets, and interactives for preK-12.
Find topical content and lessons grouped together for your convenience.
Lesson plans for teachers that meet South Carolina standards.
Visit our April Factoids. You may be surprised at what you’ll find!
Find featured content and helpful information on using KnowItAll throughout the month!
Find new content recently added. Visit often, so you won’t miss a thing!
We welcome your questions and comments! We would love to hear from you!