Environmental Awareness

Earth Month and Earth Day (April 22)

Earth Month was established in April 1970 and is non-political. It is a month intended to develop momentum for a full year's worth of work on improving the environment. In this collection, you can learn about ways you can be involved in helping our planet!

Earth Day also began in 1970 and is celebrated annually around the world on April 22. Various events are held worldwide to demonstrate support for environmental protection. 

World Environmental Day (June 5)

World Environment Day is the United Nations day for encouraging worldwide awareness and action to protect our environment. It's celebrated annually on June 5.

World Car Free Day (Sept. 22) 

This day encourages motorists to take a day off from driving your vehicle and find other ways to go places that will not hurt the environment.


Four-Toed Salamander | What's Wild


In the serene, verdant corners of South Carolina’s wetlands, a microcosm of life unfolds. Here, numerous amphibian species rely on the abundance of moist conditions and rich vegetation including a...
Carolina Heelsplitter | What's Wild


South Carolina's freshwater ecosystems are a lifeline for countless species, providing clean water, habitat, and a delicate balance essential for biodiversity. In these serene waters, the Carolina...
Gopher Frogs | What's Wild


The Coastal Plain of South Carolina is an ecologically rich landscape stretching from the inland sandhills to the coastal marshes along the Atlantic Ocean. This vast expanse, characterized by its flat...
Bobcats | What's Wild


Did you know Bobcats can be found on Kiawah Island? Every year Wildlife Management of the Town of Kiawah Island conducts research on their local bobcat population by catching them with live animal...
More Than Just Style


Learn how shades reduce energy consumption. South Carolina ETV teamed up with the South Carolina Energy Office to make our workplace more efficient-- energy efficient. By installing shades in our Idea...
An Essential Resource for Those Hot Summer Days


Learn how the installation of shades help regulate indoor temperatures, minimizing the need for artificial lighting and HVAC systems. South Carolina ETV collaborated with the South Carolina Energy...
Learn How Shades are Silent Heroes


Learn how a window covering can help minimizes thermal energy transfer. South Carolina ETV teamed up with the South Carolina Energy Office to make our workplace more efficient-- energy efficient. By...
Prescribed Burnings | From the Sky


Explore the fascinating world of prescribed burnings in South Carolina from the sky. Learn about the importance of these controlled fires, which are conducted on more than 500,000 acres of land in...