This month on Knowitall, we’ll feature the “heart and soul” of Knowitall – our Series and Collections – that facilitate learning all year long! If you haven’t perused these resources recently, you may be surprised at all that you’ll find, right here on Knowitall! We’ll also spotlight some of our new content that you may have missed over the summer, as well as some information on standards alignments that we are in the process of adding.
Educators, we have some important information to share with you:
- Some curriculum standards have been added to resources on Knowitall.org over the last several months. This work is far from complete, but please be on the lookout, as you will start seeing a blue “Standards” button just beneath the individual videos that have been aligned to standards. At this time, social studies standards have been added to some of our content, and we are just beginning to work on English Language Arts – but we want you to know these are coming and to look for them. You can also browse the standards from the top navigation by clicking on “Standards.”
- If you haven’t tried it before, please consider viewing our resources using the Subjects tab in the top navigation or by using the pull-down menu in the blue bar, “Browse By Grade & Subject.” We think you’ll find it helpful to see the content organized in this manner.
- If you missed some of the content we’ve added over the summer, be sure to check out:
World War I Symposium – Lander University, Beyond Barbados: The Carolina Connection and three new locations on Let’s Go!: Catawba Cultural Center, Fort Hill Plantation and Upcountry History Museum, plus The Hirsch Armory Panels | SC National Guard and Learning History Through Excavation. Descriptions below.
Don’t Miss These Recent Additions to Knowitall.org!
World War I Symposium – Lander University
Time of Tradition and Transition: A Symposium on the South and World War I
In March 2019, Lander University hosted a World War I Symposium in honor of the 100th anniversary of the Great War. Bringing together accomplished historians and local citizens the symposium set out to explain how WWI affected the South’s culture, economy, and politics.
*** Various Topics In This Series May Not Be Suitable For Some Audiences. Viewer Discretion Is Advised.
- Lander University World War I Symposium – Overview
- How Did World War I Start? – Dr. Ryan Floyd
- How Did the U.S. Get Involved in World War I? – Dr. Ryan Floyd
- What Roles Did the South Play in World War I? - Dr. Matthew Downs
- How Did Most Americans Feel About Entering World War I? - Dr. Ryan Floyd
- How Did World War I Affect the South? – Dr. Matthew Downs
- Woodrow Wilson’s 14 Points and the League of Nations – Dr. Ryan Floyd
- The Commemoration Question – Dr. Ryan Floyd
- On Writing “The American South and the Great War, 1941-1924” – Dr. Matthew Downs
- South Carolina’s Roles During World War I – Dr. Fritz Hamer
- The Significance of South Carolina’s Training Camp Locations – Dr. Fritz Hamer
- On Writing Articles and Books – Dr. Fritz Hamer
- Working for the S.C. Confederate Relic Room and Museum – Dr. Fritz Hamer
- How Is World War I Remembered Today? - Dr. Courtney Tollison Hartness
- How Did World War I Affect Upstate South Carolina? - Dr. Courtney Tollison Hartness
- On Writing “Our Country First” - Dr. Courtney Tollison Hartness
- How Did Jim Crow Laws Affect the American South During World War I? Dr. Angela Jill Cooley
- How Did Civil Rights Progress During the World War I Era? – Dr. Angela Jill Cooley
- Food Rationing and Temporary Wartime Prohibition – Dr. Angela Jill Cooley
- What Roles Did Women Serve in the World War I Era? – Dr. Kathryn Silva
Beyond Barbados: The Carolina Connection
Sometimes the history of a place begins elsewhere and the colony of South Carolina actually began somewhere else, almost two thousand miles across the sea. The settlement of Charles Towne that would grow into the colony of South Carolina, owes its origins and success to a tiny island in the West Indies that most of us know nothing about. Yet, over 7 million Americans can trace their roots directly to this Caribbean paradise.
Visit LearningWhy for lesson plans for this series.
Three Recent Additions to Let’s Go!
The mission of the Catawba Cultural Center is to preserve, protect, promote and maintain the rich cultural heritage of the Catawba Indian Nation through efforts in archives, archeology, tribal historic preservation, native crafts, cultural education, and tourism development. The Cultural Center provides an overview of the rich culture and history of the Catawba Indian Nation. There are exhibits that can be seen at no charge and a member of the staff will be happy to answer any questions that you have. There is also a craft store in the center that features crafts from many of our native artisans.
The Upcountry History Museum is a history museum in Greenville, South Carolina that displays the regional history of fifteen upstate South Carolina counties from the early 18th century to the present.
Fort Hill, the antebellum plantation of John C. Calhoun, South Carolina’s pre-eminent 19th century statesman, started as a four-room Clergy Hall. Through a succession of Calhoun-Clemson women, Fort Hill would come into Thomas Green Clemson’s possession. In 1888, Clemson bequeathed three-fourths of the Fort Hill plantation and $80,000 to the state of South Carolina for the establishment of a public scientific and agricultural college. He willed that Fort Hill “shall always be open for the inspection of visitors."
The Hirsch Armory Panels | SC National Guard
In an unlikely blending of art and utilitarian architecture in the 1950s, Charleston-born and world-renowned sculptor, Willard Hirsch, was commissioned by the South Carolina National Guard to create a unifying icon to adorn the entries to nearly forty new Cold War armories in South Carolina. The art deco, bas relief panels depict the history of the Guard soldiers from Colonial days through World War II and provide an interesting contrast and compliment to the “brutalist” style design of the facilities that reside in small communities across the Palmetto State.
Learning History Through Excavation | Palmetto Scene
Coastal Carolina University and Brookgreen Gardens are partnering to provide students hands-on experience with conducting archeological research on historic plantation sites. Dr. David Palmer and his anthropology and geology students are excavating an area where former enslaved Africans were housed—and finding artifacts from the 19th century.
More Recent Additions
You can always find new content easily by visiting What’s New on Knowitall! It’s under Collections!
- Pickens, Marion, Sumter, Part 1 | Palmetto Heritage
- Pickens, Marion, Sumter, Part 2 | Palmetto Heritage
- Pickens, Marion, Sumter, Part 3 | Palmetto Heritage
- Archaeological Field School At Fort Hill | Let's Go!
- Patina Miller l | South Carolina African American History Calendar
Featured in August
South Carolina African American History Calendar –
August Honoree, Henry Minton
Henry Minton was the visionary behind Sigma Pi Phi Fraternity. Commonly known as the Boulé, an ancient Greek term for a council of chiefs, Sigma Pi Phi was formally established on May 15, 1904, becoming the first African American Greek-letter fraternity. He envisioned a fraternity of men with similar academic and professional attributes, who would help improve the black community.
Minton was born in Columbia, S.C. on December 25, 1871, just six years after General Sherman burned it to the ground. His father, Theophilus Minton, attended the University of South Carolina School of Law and graduated with a law degree in 1876. That same year, Minton and his parents relocated to Washington, D.C.
Young Minton attended public schools in D.C. and spent two years in the Academy at Howard University. He entered Phillips Exeter Academy, in N.H., and graduated in 1891.
Discovering his interest in science, he graduated in 1895 from the Philadelphia College of Pharmacy with a Ph.G. degree. He later opened the first African American operated drugstore in Philadelphia. Still cherishing the ambition of studying medicine, Minton then entered Jefferson Medical College in 1902 and graduated in 1906.
He was a founding member of Mercy Hospital, the second African American hospital in Philadelphia. The first was the Douglass Memorial Hospital. Both hospitals later merged to become Mercy-Douglass Hospital. Minton served as Chief of the Department of Internal Medicine, Medical Director and a member of the Board of Directors.
Despite his impeccable credentials, Minton found that he and other black professionals were no less isolated from the mainstream of society. With the stirring of his imagination, others were influenced to cooperate in the great work of his life, the birth of the aforementioned Greek-letter fraternity for a selected group of graduates and professionals. Today, its active membership exceeds 5,000.
Presented through a partnership between the South Carolina Department of Education and South Carolina ETV.
View the interstitial here.
View the video on Knowitall.org here.
Download the SC African American History Calendar here.
And Now to Our Series and Collections!
Knowitall Signature Series
A comprehensive web-based experience for students, covering the visual and performing arts. Students will learn art history via animated one-minute movies, be guided on how to closely examine important works of art, and view videos of professional artists at work.
*Please view the full Artopia series on your computer.
Between the Waters
Between the Waters is SCETV’s immersive transmedia website showcasing the culture and history of Hobcaw Barony, a 16,000 acre historic site on the coast of South Carolina. Located between Charleston and Myrtle Beach, Hobcaw is a crossroads representing every era of human history, providing a lens through which many threads of the nation’s story may be examined. Visitors to the Between the Waters website take a self-directed virtual tour of Hobcaw Barony, moving down the roads and rice canals, entering slave dwellings and grand houses, watching videos, examining photographs, and listening to historians and the first-person stories of former residents and relatives.
View the "Between the Waters" documentary below. Closed captioning has been provided for this broadcast program.
View also the original documentary, "The Baruchs of Hobcaw Barony."
South Carolina Educators, a recertification course is available.
Congaree Swamp Stories
This website is a resource for those who are interested in learning more about the diverse natural and cultural history of the park.
During the summer of 2009, Congaree National Park partnered with several organizations including South Carolina ETV for a special technology camp. The campers included a group of rising 5th graders from Gadsden Elementary School. The purpose of the camp was to engage students in re-telling "Congaree Swamp Stories" in their own voices, through photos, videos, and their written words.
Watch some of the camp speakers and view more about the history of the Congaree in "Roots in the River" from Carolina Stories.
Generations of Heroes
Generations of Heroes started as a project that offered South Carolina educators and students a chance to document the living memories of heroes and civilians who have served the United States from World War II to today’s soldiers serving in Iraq and Afghanistan. ETV’s Knowitall.org and the S.C. National Guard teamed up with Perry McLeod, a history teacher at Richland Northeast High School in Columbia, S.C. to develop the project that featured the student-produced videos.
Gullah Net
GullahNet and its host, Aunt Pearlie Sue (Anita Singleton-Prather), introduces Gullah culture and language to children on the web.
*Some of the interactive stories and activities under Gullah Music and Gullah Tales have not been upgraded at this time. We recommend viewing the entire series on a computer, so that it may be enjoyed without interruption.
However, these stories from Gullah Tales have been upgraded and will play on mobile devices in both English and Gullah! You can also view the Videos in both English and Gullah.
And be sure to visit and sing along with Gullah Music!
Aunt Pearlie Sue and Reverend Leroy take you on a musical journey!
History In A Nutshell
History In A Nutshell provides videos that address topics on which few resources were previously available. These videos will be fewer than ten minutes long and will tell the story of an entire event from our history, in a fast-paced, engaging style!
- Episode 1: World War I
- Episode 2: 1918 Flu Pandemic in S.C.
- Episode 3: Birth of the Constitution
- Episode 4: The Space Race
- Episode 5: French and Indian War
History of South Carolina Slide Collection
Edited by Constance B. Schulz with Preface by Lewis P. Jones
The images contained in The History of South Carolina Slide Collection have been divided into ten topical sections. Each image has accompanying text, describing the image and its place in South Carolina history.
The resources accessible on this website are intended strictly for educational use. All other usage is prohibited. If you intend to copy or otherwise reproduce a resource for educational use, credit must be given to the contributing institution.
For additional information about the graphics used in this collection, please refer to Acknowledgments. There you will find information about the people who possess the original photographs and artwork used in The History of South Carolina Slide Collection.
Hobby Shop
Learn how velocity and distance work in this balloon blast game. A catapult is a military device that was used in ancient and medieval times to hurl stones, spears, and other objects. There were many different types of catapults developed and used throughout history. The most well-known catapult is the bucket catapult, which used a winched down - arm with a bucket on the end to toss objects. The catapult used in our Balloon Blast game is called a trebuchet.
Learn how to use a compound microscope and a dissecting microscope.
Choose and customize a rocket. Launch your rocket and learn about Newton's Laws.
Keep It Real
Keep It Real is a TV and Web project for teens produced to help educate them about the consequences of inappropriate risk-taking behavior. The TV show provides teens with Realistic Education About Dying Young, based on Palmetto Health Richland’s Project READY program in Columbia, South Carolina. In an effort to stay true to the hospital’s reality-based education, we have included graphic images and footage of real trauma in the productions.
Keep It Real is rated TV-14 and viewer discretion is advised.
Kids Work!
A virtual community of workplaces designed to give students an interactive job exploration experience that connects school work to real work. Each area includes History, Job Play activities, Work Zone and Real People at work.
*At this time, the Job Play areas have not been upgraded for mobile devices. Please use a desktop computer for these activities.
In each workplace, please be sure to start with the History area, then proceed to Job Play, then to Real People, and finally to the Work Zone area at each work site!
- Public Relations Specialist from Job Play is here.
- Lab Technician from Job Play is here.
- Pharmacist from Job Play is here.
- Audio Engineer from Job Play is here.
- TV Director from Job Play is here.
- Producer from Job Play is here.
- Box Office Manager from job Play is here.
- Lighting Designer from Job Play is here.
- Playwright from Job Play is here.
La Ropa Sucia
La Ropa Sucia is a fotonovela produced by ETV and designed to target both Hispanic and non-Hispanic teenagers; the title, which means “Dirty Laundry,” is based on the Hispanic adage, “La ropa sucia se lava en casa.” (“Dirty laundry is washed at home,” or “Don’t air your dirty laundry.”). View the credits page to learn more about the project.
Legacy of Leadership
Junior Achievement of Central South Carolina and The State newspaper established the South Carolina Business Hall of Fame in 1985. The criteria for selection include a demonstration of business excellence, courageous thinking and acting, inspired leadership, and community mindedness. Since its inception, 63 laureates have been celebrated. This collection features profiles and interviews on these leaders.
Let’s Go!
Virtual reality tours of some of our state’s most historic sites - now featuring 9 different locations! Experience the VRs using the Matterport phone apps with either a Google Cardboard or Samsung Gear VR.
- Catawba Cultural Center
- Fort Hill Plantation
- H.L. Hunley Museum
- Historic Brattonsville
- Mann-Simons Site
- Old Exchange and Provost Dungeon
- Powder Magazine
- SC Confederate Relic Room & Military Museum
- South Carolina State House
- Upcountry History Museum
- USS Yorktown at Patriot’s Point
- Woodrow Wilson Family Home
Lexington County Courthouse: 200 Years of Service
The history of the Lexington County Courthouse is told, over its first 200 years.
NASA Online – NASA Science Simulations
Students learn about these topics and scientific principles while having fun!
*For the version that plays on a mobile device, be sure to click on the “Go To Interactive” link just below each of these simulations.
- Atmosphere
- Brain Teasers
- Circuits
- Common Causes of Household Odors
- Drag
- How Sound Travels
- Hurricane Basics
- Invention Timeline
- Lift
- Light and Color
- Lightning and Static
- Matter and Molecules
- Parts of an Airplane
- Plate Movements – Convergent
- Plate Movements – Divergent
- Plate Movements – Lateral
- Scattering Light
- Sense of Smell
- Thrust
- Understanding Electricity
- Using NASA Technology to Track Hurricanes
- Wave Traits
- Weight
- Word Jumble
Natural State
A Natural State explores how people express a love for nature by shaping, twisting, carving, and weaving materials collected from the landscape. Some of the arts and crafts featured in A Natural State reveal the cultural heritage of South Carolina, while others employ concepts from the world of modern art.
NatureScene was one of the most successful series by South Carolina ETV, taking viewers for a field trip in nature with Naturalist Rudy Mancke from 1978 to 2003. Along with Rudy were hosts Beryl Dakers and Jim Welch, and Director of Photography Allen Sharpe. Some content has been included from our Streamline collection. We are only offering South Carolina-based shows at this time.
Closed captioning has been provided for these broadcast segments.
Pee Dee Explorer
What does it mean when someone says they are from the "Pee Dee" of South Carolina? A place is bigger than its physical geography. A "sense of place" weaves together our experiences with the land, its culture and lifestyle. SCETV partnered with the Pee Dee Land Trust to create a website highlighting the many natural, cultural, historic, and agricultural landmarks of the Pee Dee region of South Carolina.
Pee Dee Explorer features over six hours of video vignettes that characterize the natural, cultural, and agricultural landscapes of the Pee Dee region of South Carolina. Pee Dee Explorer is divided into chapters that provide various contexts for telling the story of the region. Each chapter contains a collection of video stories and accompanying text, based on well-known and "off the beaten path" landmarks found in the Pee Dee.
Learn about popular monthly observances.
Ready To Vote
Civic engagement of youth is a classic win-win proposition. Young people benefit from involvement in the civic life of their communities, and their communities become more democratic when youth have a voice in the decisions that affect their lives. Ready To Vote is designed to help teachers introduce middle and high school students to one of their most important activities as a citizen – voting. Ready To Vote also provides facts about the principles of the Constitution, the branches of U.S. Government and explores how the electoral process works.
Reconstruction 360
Reconstruction 360 uses a 360 degree video platform as a storytelling device that lets the audience step inside pivotal Reconstruction events. By clicking on icons within the 360 video the user can access short documentaries that offer the perspectives of multiple characters. Reconstruction 360 also includes lesson plans, primary documents, curriculum standards and a geolocative walking tour of Reconstruction sites in downtown Columbia, S.C. This module, 40 Acres and a Mule, focuses on the theme of land and labor at the close of the Civil War. It is a prototype for a larger project that will include five more themes.
The story of South Carolina's cultural and natural landscape as told by its rivers. RiverVenture will take you on a virtual "float-trip" across South Carolina, following the Saluda, the Congaree, the Santee, the Cooper, and the Catawba Rivers.
* RiverVenture is currently available on your desktop only. We are currently upgrading this resource and will make it available on your mobile device in the near future. resource in the future
Road Trip Through SC Civil Rights History
Learn about the people and events, and the importance of the civil rights movement in South Carolina from the 1940s to the early 1970s.
SC Life
We have two areas to visit and both have now been made accessible on mobile devices.
Cove forests are unique ecosystems found exclusively in North America, in the southern Appalachian Mountains of the United States. They are a special type of forest known as mixed deciduous, meaning that forest's trees lose their leaves in fall. Cove forests are restricted to mountain "coves," which are bowl-shaped valleys with very rich, fertile, damp soil. Many cove forests have streams wandering through part of the forest. The cove forests of the South exhibit the greatest plant and tree diversity of any forests in the United States.
The cove forests of South Carolina are restricted to the northwest portion of the state, extending from the north of Westminster to north of Greenville, Jones Gap State Park, Table Rock State Park, Oconee State Park, and Caesars Head State Park all contain cove forest communities.
Salt marshes are found around the world, but the one you are about to tour can be found right here in South Carolina on the North American continent. Salt marshes are located only along the coast. This is because a salt marsh is an area that is flooded by saline (salty) water. The salt marshes are better developed as you move farther south in South Carolina.
Science Splash
Girls tend to lose interest in science and technology during middle school. For three-year, ETV coordinated a pilot project called TECH TEAM. To conclude this three year project, ETV partnered with the National Science Foundation, the Girl Scouts of America, and community schools and groups, to host an all-day science festival that stimulated and encouraged middle school girls' interest in science, technology, engineering and math careers. The 2005 Science Splash was a girl's odyssey of hands-on science and math activities, speakers, shows and exhibits—all designed to educate, inspire, stimulate and entertain middle school girls ages 10-14.
Southern Campaign of the American Revolution
The Southern Campaign was critical in determining the outcome of the American Revolutionary War, yet the South’s importance has been downplayed in most historical accounts to date.
Eight online educational lessons are based around short video segments produced in a documentary style, consisting of historical reenactments, demonstrations, interviews with historians, period artifacts and music, artistic renderings, and maps. Lesson plans are at SCETV’s LearningWhy.org.
Turner to Cézanne
National Museum Wales, known for having one of the finest Impressionist art collections in Europe, sent to the U.S. highlights from its remarkable Davies Collection, an extraordinary group of 19th- and early 20th-century paintings that were renowned for its beauty and quality. These works, which helped shape the course of Western art, were assembled between 1908 and 1923 by sisters Gwendoline and Margaret Davies.
Turner to Cézanne: Masterpieces from the Davies Collection, National Museum Wales was on display at the Columbia Museum of Art from March 6–June 7, 2009. This one of a kind collection was on view in South Carolina for the first time in the United States. The exhibition only traveled to five venues in the U.S. and the Columbia Museum of Art was the opening venue. The Columbia presentation was made possible by the Blanchard Family.
Tuskegee Airmen
In 1941, an all African American flying squadron was established in Tuskegee, Alabama. The purpose of this Army Air Corps program was to train African Americans to fly and maintain a combat aircraft. The people involved in this experiment acquired the name "Tuskegee Airmen." Tuskegee Institute, founded by Booker T. Washington, was selected as the training ground for the pilots. The school had the facilities, technology and climate for training year-round with airplanes. By World War II, the Tuskegee program had expanded and become the center for African American aviation. The Tuskegee Airmen paved the way for full integration of African Americans into the U.S. military.
ETV partnered with the Celebrate Freedom Foundation to provide coverage of the Tuskegee 60th reunion events in Camden, South Carolina. Watch captured clips from this historic event for Knowitall.org.
Web of Water
Rivers touch some aspect of our lives every day, quietly serving a need for drinking water, farming, power, industry and recreation. In the spring of 2008, educator Ian Sanchez kayaked from the mountains to the sea, making connections between our cultural and natural landscapes.
Web of Water includes videos shot on location of Ian's three week adventure, teacher and student resources, map and diagram collections, and additional streaming video from the broadcast documentary. "Webisodes" provide an inspiring look at Ian's special brand of outreach and environmental education, and insight into how rivers, landforms and landscapes of South Carolina shape who we are, where we live and why we live there.
Additional Knowitall Series
- America At Its Best (To gain access, please create an account in LearningWhy.)
- America On the Move (To gain access, please create an account in LearningWhy.)
- American Graduate
- Auntie Karen’s Place
- Baker’s Dozen
- Beyond Barbados: The Carolina Connection
- Blythewood History
- Career Aisle - Career Explorations!
- Career Aisle Regional Education Center Videos
- Carolina Classrooms
- Carolina Money
- Carolina Stories
- Character Minutes
- Circle of Inheritance
- Climate Change
- Club Write (To gain access, please create an account in LearningWhy.)
- Conversations on SC History
- Conversations with SC Writers
- Conversations with Scientists & Astronauts
- Creating a Career with the Arts in Mind
- Creating a Career with the Media Arts in Mind
- Cursive Handwriting A (To gain access, please create an account in LearningWhy.)
- Cursive Handwriting B (To gain access, please create an account in LearningWhy.)
- Destination SC Parks
- Detective Bonz and the SC History Mystery
- Digital Traditions
- diSCovering Science
- Earth Today
- Earth Today Kid Minutes
- EdAware: Eat Smart, Move More
- Environmental Ed
- Environmental Minutes
- ETV Shorts
- ETV Stock Market Program
- Expeditions Shorts
- Eye on the Past
- Eye Wonder
- Factoids by the Month
- Facts of Congress (To gain access, please create an account in LearningWhy.)
- Flight School (To gain access, please create an account in LearningWhy.)
- Flu PSAs – Illness Prevention Tips & Wash Hands Song
- Foreign Language Scholastic Series – French (To gain access, please create an account in LearningWhy.)
- Foreign Language Scholastic Series – Spanish (To gain access, please create an account in LearningWhy.)
- Foreign Language: French
- Foreign language: German
- Foreign Language: Spanish
- Gettysburg: The Soldier’s Battle (To gain access, please create an account in LearningWhy.)
- Hanover House
- Healthy Hannah’s Healthy Choice Heroes
- History of Arts Education in SC
- Holocaust Forum
- Hot Jobs
- Idella Bodie’s Ghost Tour: A Writer’s Guide
- Idella Bodie’s SC Women
- Inside Storytelling
- James Otis Lecture Series
- Journey to Living Labs (To gain access, please create an account in LearningWhy.)
- Letter TV (To gain access, please create an account in LearningWhy.)
- Letter TV II (To gain access, please create an account in LearningWhy.)
- Letter TV III (To gain access, please create an account in LearningWhy.)
- Literary Tour of South Carolina
- Magical Theater of Music
- Making Dollars From $ense
- Making It Grow
- Mama Phonics
- Math in the Middle of Design
- Math in the Middle of Motion
- Mia’s Music (To gain access, please create an account in LearningWhy.)
- Nature Notes with Rudy Mancke
- On the Other Hand
- Original SC
- Palmetto Heritage
- Palmetto Leaders
- Palmetto Scene
- Palmetto Special
- Palmetto Voices
- Parks Adventures Minutes
- Posie Paints (To gain access, please create an account in LearningWhy.)
- Powder Magazine Museum
- Primitive Tools
- Project Discovery
- Project Discovery Revisited
- Project Lead SC
- Reading Safety & Internet Safety Minutes
- Riley Institute at Furman
- Riverbanks Roundup
- Riverbanks Roundup Bits
- Safe Students Safe Schools
- Safety City
- Sandlapper Online
- Sandlapper’s Corner
- SCETV Series & Specials
- Scholastic American History Series (To gain access, please create an account in LearningWhy.)
- Scholastic Children’s Stories (To gain access, please create an account in LearningWhy.)
- SciShorts in Foreign Language
- Short Takes with Naturalist Rudy Mancke
- Smart Cat: Exercise with Smart Cat
- South Carolina African American History Calendar
- South Carolina Elects Its Leaders
- South Carolina Geography
- South Carolina Hall of Fame
- South Carolina Public Radio - Podcasts
- South Carolina State House Specials: Legends and Legacy
- South Carolina State Library
- South Carolina State Parks
- South Carolina Technical College System
- Standard Deviants TV (To gain access, please create an account in LearningWhy.)
- Stories Behind the Carols We Love to Sing
- Take on the South
- Teaching American History in SC
- Tick Tock Minutes (To gain access, please create an account in LearningWhy.)
- Tune Up to Literacy
- Where the Jobs Are: Exploring Career Clusters
- Women Vision SC
- World War I Symposium – Lander University
- Youth Services
- Zoo Minutes
Knowitall Collections
Our Collections allow you to zero-in on topics that are of interest to you during monthly observations or at any time during the year!
- About Persons with Disabilities
- African American History
- All Interactives
- Animal Lovers
- Archaeology
- Armed Forces Day
- Career Explorations
- Confederate Flag, SC History
- Constitution Day
- Dive in…to Knowitall
- Environmental Awareness
- ETV StreamlineSC
- Explore South Carolina
- Ghosts & Legends of SC
- Glossaries
- Higher Education & Workforce Development
- Hispanic Heritage
- Holidays
- Holocaust Remembrance
- Jazz
- Knowitall Factoids by Month
- Knowitall Healthy!
- Knowitall Interns
- Libraries, Literature & Learning
- Martin Luther King
- Memorial Day
- Native American Heritage
- Noted South Carolinians
- Nutrition
- Professional Development
- Programs for Students
- Public Media Partnerships
- Remembering 9/11
- South Carolina Counties
- Space Exploration
- Sports in South Carolina
- Student Gallery
- Teacher Resources
- Timelines
- Veterans Day
- Virtual Field Trips & Tours
- Wars & Conflicts
- What’s New!
- Women in Leadership
- Women’s History
Also, a reminder...
Magic School Bus is now available at the SC State Library’s Leam360.
Follow Ms. Frizzle and her class as they set off on field trips. Based on the best-selling book series of the same name, "The Magic School Bus" takes kids on a virtual bus ride. Magically transforming into a plane, submarine, spaceship or surfboard, this bus carries Ms. Frizzle and her students on super adventures and teaches them about science.
- Each month, remember to check out our Knowitall Factoids by Month. Take a look and learn something new each day!
- Find out What’s New on Knowitall here! Check frequently, so you can stay updated about the latest additions.