Robert T. Ball, Jr. M.D | Sea Change


Dr. Ball is a Physician, Educator, and Epidemiologist in Charleston, SC. This is his full interview from the SCETV documentary "Sea Change."

The following questions were addressed in the video:

  • As an epidemiologist, where does climate change fit in to the many issues that you're dealing with?
  • What effect will climate change have on the potentional spread of various diseases, such as Zika?
  • What can the individual do?
  • What are your feelings when you hear there is inaction on the part of elected officials to move forward with funding and addressing urgent medical concerns?
  • You mentioned the potential for a vaccine for Zika. What type of time frame do people need to be thinking about as they look at Zika and potential exposure to it?
  • Science plays a major role in this type of discussion. Many Americans doubt science. Does that make you wonder, where are we going with this?
  • You have taught for many years. How prepared do you think the next generations who are entering this profession are to work through some of the issues that we're talking about in terms of frustrations?