Climate Change

Climate Change: A Global Reality and Sea Change

General - Environmental Science

The MUSC Public Information and Community Outreach Initiative (PICO) staff have collaborated with SCETV on several television broadcasts on the topic of Climate Change.

 Phil Gaines
Phil Gaines


Phil Gaines is director of the State Park Service in Hunting Island, SC. This is his full interview from the SCETV documentary "Sea Change." Some questions addressed in the video include: What sparked...
 Rev. Dr. Nannette Pierson
Rev. Dr. Nannette Pierson


Reverend Doctor Nannette Pierson from the Sandalwood Community Food Pantry at the Queen Chapel AME Church in Hilton Head, SC. This is her full interview from the SCETV documentary "Sea Change." The...
 Rial Fitch
Rial Fitch


Rial Fitch is the owner of Mount Pleasant Seafood in SC. This is his full interview from the SCETV documentary "Sea Change." Some questions addressed in the video include: What changes have you seen...
 Robert T. Ball, Jr. M.D | Sea Change
Robert T. Ball, Jr. M.D | Sea Change


Dr. Ball is a Physician, Educator, and Epidemiologist in Charleston, SC. This is his full interview from the SCETV documentary "Sea Change." The following questions were addressed in the video: As an...
 Ron Morales
Ron Morales


Ron Morales works for the National Weather Service in Beaufort, SC. This is his full interview from the SCETV documentary "Sea Change." The following questions are addressed in the video: What is...
 Sonja Evans
Sonja Evans


Sonja Evans is an artist in Hilton Head, SC. This is her full interview from the SCETV documentary "Sea Change. The video includes responses to the following questions: How well do you think the...
 Stuart Williams
Stuart Williams


Mr. Williams is the Executive Director for the Corporate Climate Alliance in John's island, SC. This is his full interview from the SCETV documentary "Sea Change." The following questions were...
 Susan L. Hitchcock
Susan L. Hitchcock


Susan Hitchcock works for The National Park Service in Charleston, SC. This is her full interview from the SCETV documentary "Sea Change." The following questions were addressed in the video: What are...
 The Honorable John J. Tecklenburg | Sea Change
The Honorable John J. Tecklenburg | Sea Change


John Tecklenburg is the Mayor of Charleston, SC. This is his full interview from the SCETV documentary "Sea Change." The following questions were addressed in the video: Where is climate change on...
 The Honorable Mary Jeffcoat | Sea Change
The Honorable Mary Jeffcoat | Sea Change


Myrtle Beach City Council member Mary Jeffcoat. This is her full interview from the SCETV documentary "Sea Change." The following questions were addressed in the video: What brought you to become...