Climate Change

Climate Change: A Global Reality and Sea Change

General - Environmental Science

The MUSC Public Information and Community Outreach Initiative (PICO) staff have collaborated with SCETV on several television broadcasts on the topic of Climate Change.

 Charleston Main Panel, Part 6 6
Charleston Main Panel, Part 6
Episode 6


Susan Hitchcock, of the Cultural Landscapes Program, and National Park Service, addresses how climate change affects how people live in their homes, and its impact on lifestyles and cultural resources...
 Myrtle Beach Main Panel, Part 6 6
Myrtle Beach Main Panel, Part 6
Episode 6


Mr. Kenneth McIver, a teacher, Boy Scout troop leader, and a concerned citizen, joins to briefly discuss his perspective of climate change from a resident’s point of view.
 Savannah Main Panel, Part 6 6
Savannah Main Panel, Part 6
Episode 6


Dr. Matthew R. Gilligan, Professor Emeritus at Savannah State University, emphasizes the important roles that educational institutions must play in instilling values, knowledge, and climate change...
 Sea Change, Part 6 6
Sea Change, Part 6
Episode 6


The rising ocean temperatures are causing species of fish in the southeast to move further north. The increases in temperature, and salinity in the ocean will cause significant ecological shifts. As...
 Sea Change, Part 7 7
Sea Change, Part 7
Episode 7


Global warming also threatens the low country’s cultures, and the people living in the region. Making sweet-grass baskets, and growing rice have African origins, being passed down and taught through...
 Sea Change, Part 8 8
Sea Change, Part 8
Episode 8


The piece called “Inconvenient Truth” made by Al Gore is viewed as one of the biggest causes of political polarization on the topic of global warming. Global warming was, at the time, deemed a...
 Sea Change, Part 9 9
Sea Change, Part 9
Episode 9


There is a need for re-ordering public policy. Millions of dollars in funding are spent on disaster relief, when money should be spent on disaster prevention and preparedness. Many peoples’ homes are...
 Emory Campbell
Emory Campbell


Emory Campbell is a community leader on Saint Helena's Island, SC. This is his full interview from the SCETV documentary "Sea Change." Questions addressed in this video include: What would the effect...
 Howard Morrison
Howard Morrison


Howard Morrison is an entrepreneur in Savannah, GA. This is his full interview from the SCETV documentary "Sea Change." The following questions are addresed in this video: What were your impressions...
 Joel Cadoff
Joel Cadoff


Joel Cadoff is Chief of Interpretation at Fort Pulaski National Monument in Savannah, GA. This is his full interview from the SCETV documentary "Sea Change. The following questions are addresses in...