Climate Change

Climate Change: A Global Reality and Sea Change

General - Environmental Science

The MUSC Public Information and Community Outreach Initiative (PICO) staff have collaborated with SCETV on several television broadcasts on the topic of Climate Change.

 Charleston Main Panel, Part 4 4
Charleston Main Panel, Part 4
Episode 4


Mark Wilbert, Director of Emergency Management of Charleston, shares how climate change is impacting the emergency management division, and the city of Charleston. He also discusses possible solutions...
 Climate Change: A Global Reality, Part 4 4
Climate Change: A Global Reality, Part 4
Episode 4


Part 4 In "Climate Change: A Global Reality," moderator John King of CNN and expert panelists examine the relationship between climate change and the human activities that heighten and intensify its...
 Myrtle Beach Main Panel, Part 4 4
Myrtle Beach Main Panel, Part 4
Episode 4


The Honorable Jennifer P. Wilson, Chief Judge of the Myrtle Beach Municipal Court, joins to discuss planning ahead, to make the world a safer and overall better world for future generations. How can...
 Savannah Main Panel, Part 4 4
Savannah Main Panel, Part 4
Episode 4


Mildred McClain, representing the Citizens of Environmental Justice, insists that the vulnerable communities be an integral part of the discussion on solutions to climate change, along with policy...
 Sea Change, Part 4 4
Sea Change, Part 4
Episode 4


Hurricanes Matthew and Irma caused an incredible amount of damage to the low country, causing erosion, debris, and millions of dollars in property damage. Some peoples’ lives were hit hard; those who...
 Beaufort Main Panel, Part 5 5
Beaufort Main Panel, Part 5
Episode 5


In this final segment of the Beaufort Climate Change panel, Lieutenant Colonel Neil Baxley of the Emergency Management Division of Beaufort County Sheriff’s Office, briefly elaborates on emergency...
 Charleston Main Panel, Part 5 5
Charleston Main Panel, Part 5
Episode 5


Arthur Lawrence, the former president of the Westside Neighborhood Association believes that the community overall does not know enough about the issues of climate change. Charleston needs a risk...
 Myrtle Beach Main Panel, Part 5 5
Myrtle Beach Main Panel, Part 5
Episode 5


Omar Muhammad, of the Lowcountry Alliance for Model Communities joins to discuss environmental justice. Disproportionate communities are extremely impacted by climate change, due to flooding...
 Savannah Main Panel, Part 5 5
Savannah Main Panel, Part 5
Episode 5


Dr. J. Herman Blake, Ph.D., Executive Director of the Gullah Geechee Cultural Heritage Corridor Commission, discusses the often misunderstood and misinterpreted Gullah Geechee community. Blake...
 Sea Change, Part 5 5
Sea Change, Part 5
Episode 5


Climate change has also made a significant impact on the economy of the low country. The billion dollar tourism industry is at risk, since banks may stop lending money due to rising maintenance and...