The "Briggs v. Elliott" case was the first in U.S. history to challenge segregation in public education, and the first of five cases, which eventually were consolidated into "Brown v. Board of Education."
Spark! Inspiring Tomorrow's Readers Through Drama
2024 Winner
Spark is an outreach program of the SC Governor’s School for the Arts and Humanities that seeks to use evidence-driven drama strategies to effectively support reading and literacy efforts in elementary schools statewide. Spark is a proud partner of Arts Grow SC and the SC Arts Commission.
Contact: Christina Vandiver, christinavandiver@scgsah.org
Video Camp iRock
2024 Finalist
A partnership between United Way of Pickens County, the School District of Pickens County, the YMCA of Easley, Pickens and Powdersville, and Call Me MiSTER, Camp iRock is an innovative and award winning summer program, which helps children improve their reading abilities in an enriching summer camp environment.
Contact: Jennifer Shurley, jshurley@uwpickens.org, 864-826-8104
Student DREAMers Alliance
2024 Finalist
The Student DREAMers Alliance (SDA) is a leadership accelerator that equips students to succeed in college and beyond, creating a pipeline of future Hispanic leaders. An initiative of the Hispanic Alliance, SDA fosters critical thinking, communication, and self-advocacy skills, preparing students to navigate challenges and opportunities that lie ahead.
Contact: Andrew Skinner, andrew@hispanicalliancesc.com, 865.312.0285
Rudy Mancke
Rudy Mancke (1941-2023) grew up in Spartanburg and for many years hosted SCETV’s nationally renowned series NatureScene, touring fifty states and ten countries to examine and share their natural wonders.
Smokin' Joe Frazier
Joseph William Frazier was born January 12, 1944, in Beaufort, South Carolina. He held the world heavyweight boxing title from February 16, 1970, until January 22, 1973. Known for his powerful left hook, Frazier’s greatest fight was the “Thrilla in Manilla” against arch rival Muhammad Ali.
Francis Salvador
Francis Salvador (1747-1776) was an English-born plantation owner in the colony of South Carolina. He was the first professing Jewish person elected to public office in the colonies when chosen to represent the Ninety-Six District in the Provincial Congress. He joined the cause for independence and in 1776 was the first Jewish person killed in the Revolutionary War.
View all the new content anytime by clicking here.

African American History Spotlight: Tommy Preston, Jr.
In recognition of November's Honorees for the 2024 South Carolina African American History Calendar, Tommy Preston, Jr., students will determine the leadership qualities demonstrated by Tommy Preston...

What's Important about Reading?
The lesson highlights Thomas Preston Jr., the November nominee of the 2024 SC African American History calendar. It also discusses the importance of reading.

Fall Trail Mix Math (Metric System)
Students will research and create a fall-themed trail mix in class using knowledge of the metric system to convert.

The Swamp Fox, The Wizard Owl, and The Gamecock
Comparing Revolutionary War Partisans: Francis Marion, Andrew Pickens, and Thomas Sumter

The Perfect Pumpkin Loaf (Dividing Fractions + Volume)
Students will explore dividing fractions and finding the volume of a rectangular prism while baking the perfect pumpkin loaf!

Celebrating Modie and Delaris Johnson Risher
Students will explore ways they can work to make their community and learn more about the life, impact, and contributions of Modie and Delaris Johnson Risher.

Pumpkin Decorating & Sphereical Volume
Students will engage in a pumpkin decorating contest to explore finding the volume of spheres, or in this case, approximating to real-world spherical objects.

Sergio Hudson & the Slope Intercept Formula
Students will shop with designer Sergio Hudson to explore and gain a deeper understanding of the slope-intercept formula.

Picking Pumpkins (Measurement)
Students will explore the concept of measurement by using rulers and yardsticks to measure various fall-themed objects. They will learn to select the appropriate tool for different lengths and apply...

Resource Availability and Gopher Frogs: A Coastal Plain Ecosystem Lesson
• Analyze and interpret data regarding the effects of resource availability on Gopher Frogs within the Coastal Plain ecosystem. • Understand the relationship between habitat loss and the survival of...

Civil Rights Spotlight: Modie Risher and DeLaris Johnson Rischer
In recognition of October's Honorees for the 2024 South Carolina African American History Calendar, Modie Risher and DeLaris Johnson Rischer, students will discover the contributions and impact the...

Four-Toed Salamander | What's Wild
In the serene, verdant corners of South Carolina’s wetlands, a microcosm of life unfolds. Here, numerous amphibian species rely on the abundance of moist conditions and rich vegetation including a...

Carolina Heelsplitter | What's Wild
South Carolina's freshwater ecosystems are a lifeline for countless species, providing clean water, habitat, and a delicate balance essential for biodiversity. In these serene waters, the Carolina...

Exploring Freshwater Bryozoans: Adaptations and Reproduction
Students will explore the unique adaptations and reproductive strategies of freshwater bryozoans through hands-on activities, group discussions, and research. They will engage with live specimens...

The Bobcat Conservation Challenge: Understanding Ecosystems and Adaptation
This lesson will explore the ecosystems of South Carolina’s barrier islands, focusing on the bobcat as an apex predator and the conservation efforts being made to protect its population. Students will...

Billionaires' Wealth: Rate of Change
Students will use billionaires' net worth data to calculate rate of change.
Honoring Native American Code Talkers | November Factoids
Native American “Code Talkers” played a crucial role in the allied victory in World War II. Coined by the U.S. Marine Corps, a “Code Talker” is the term given to American Indians who used their tribal languages to send secret coded communications on the battlefield. Although the tactic of using native languages to transmit secret messages was first tested in World War I, it wasn’t until World War II that the US military developed a specific policy to recruit and train Native American speakers as battlefield communicators.
While the U.S. Marine Navajo Code Talkers in the Pacific Theater are arguably the most well-known, members from at least 14 other Native nations served as Code Talkers during WWII. Being a Code Talker was an especially dangerous job in the Pacific Theater since Japanese forces were ordered to specifically target officers, medics, and radiomen.
Despite the heroic contributions of these Code Talkers during the war, recognition was slow even after the Code Talkers program was declassified in 1968. There was some recognition throughout the 1970's and 1980's - President Ronald Reagan recognized Navajo Code Talkers by naming August 14, 1982 as Navajo Code Talkers Day. On December 21, 2000, President Bill Clinton signed Public Law 106–554, 114 Statute 2763, which awarded the Congressional Gold Medal to the original 29 World War II Navajo code talkers and Silver Medals to each person who qualified as a Navajo code talker (approximately 300). The Code Talkers Recognition Act of 2008 further expanded recognition by honoring Code Talkers from both world wars. It was signed into law by Pres. George W. Bush on November 15, 2008.
The Navajo Code remains the only military code in modern history to never be broken by an enemy.

Explore the enduring legacy of the Catawba Nation, an ancient culture rooted in pottery, history, and resilience in South Carolina.
For National Career Development Month
Career education resources are available in all of the Career Clusters by visiting our Career Explorations Collection! You can locate these assets easily by Series or Career Cluster.
View Career Explorations on KnowItAll.org
KnowItAll brings an abundance of career education and job shadowing videos to your computer, tablet or mobile device! These videos provide insight into a wide array of professions, as students plan the pathway that best suits them.
You can locate these assets easily by Career Cluster and by Series - Under Within This Collection, you’ll see the career education videos grouped by Career Cluster and just below, you’ll see the Related Series!
View KnowItAll Career Education Content by Career Cluster:
- Advice, Education & Skills
- Agriculture, Food & Natural Resources
- Architecture & Construction
- Arts, A/V Technology & Communications
- Business, Management & Administration
- Education & Training
- Finance
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- Green & Sustainability Skills
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- Hospitality & Tourism
- Human Services
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- Law, Public Safety, Corrections & Security
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- Marketing
- Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics
- Sports-Related Careers
- Transportation, Distribution & Logistics
- Carolina Classrooms
- Carolina Money
- Creating a Career with the Arts in Mind
- Creating a Career with the Media Arts in Mind
- diSCovering Science
- Eye Wonder
- Hot Jobs
- Kids Work!
- Legacy of Leadership
- Let’s Go! CAREERS
- Original SC
- Palmetto Leaders
- Palmetto Voices
- Project Lead SC
- I Made It…You Can, Too
- Where the Jobs Are: Exploring Career Clusters
- Women Vision SC
Career Aisle – Career and Technology Education Centers & Videos
Produced by ETV, these interviews highlight jobs in various geographic regions of our state. SC Career and Technology Centers are located in these areas and school districts. Ask your school guidance counselor for more information.
Aiken County Career and Technology Center (Warrenville) | Anderson I and II Career and Technology Center (Williamston) | Barnwell County Career Center (Blackville) | Colleton Career Skills Center (Walterboro) | Dorchester County Career and Technology Center (Summerville) | Enoree Career Center (Greenville) | Fairfield Career and Technology Center (Winnsboro) | Heyward Career and Technology Center (Columbia) | Lexington Technology Center | Daniel Morgan Technology Center (Spartanburg) | Hamilton Career and Technology Center (Seneca, Oconee County) | Pickens County Career and Technology Center (Liberty) | G. Frank Russell Career Center (Greenwood) | Sumter Career and Technology Center | Union County Schools | Woolard Technology Center (Camden)
*Please contact us if you are aware that the websites for these career and technology centers have changed. Thank you!

Explore these series that may inspire you toward a career you haven't considered!
- Artopia
- Ask an Author
- Climate Change
- Coastal Kingdom Classroom
- Congaree Swamp Stories
- Conversations with SC Writers
- Conversations with Scientists & Astronauts
- Hobby Shop
- NASA Science Simulations
- Natural State
- NatureNotes with Rudy Mancke
- NatureScene
- RiverVenture
- SC Life
- VirtualSC Energy
- Web of Water
- What's Wild
- Zoo Minutes
For Native American Heritage Month
Native American Heritage Month is celebrated from November 1-30 each year.
View our Native American Heritage Collection
Within This Collection (Native American Tribes and Their History)
- Catawba
- Cherokees
- Chicora
- Edisto Natchez Kusso
- Pee Dee
- Santee
- Sewees
- Tuscarora/Iroquoian Tribe
- Varner Town
- Waccamaw
- Catawba Cultural Center | Let’s Go!
- Catawba Nation | Carolina Snaps
- Catawba | Periscope
- Circle of Inheritance (Prehistoric and colonial history of South Carolina)
- Nancy Basket (Cherokee basket-maker) from A Natural State
- Billie Anne McKellar (Catawba potter) from Natural State: Piedmont
- Indigenous Landscape from Pee Dee Explorer (history of Native Americans in South Carolina)
- Native American Heritage Month from Periscope (includes Native American Heritage, Powwow, Snowbird Cherokee, the First South Carolinians, Santee, Catawba, Pee Dee, Edisto, Chicora, and Cherokee)
- Native Americans from Road Trip Through South Carolina’s Civil Rights History (Explores how the Santee Indians and Varnertown Indians experienced the Civil Rights Movement in South Carolina)
- Ring People
- Settlement (from South Carolina Hall of Fame)
- Those Who Remain (Explores the little-known cultures of South Carolina’s Native American people)
- Trail of Tears (Despite opposition to the Indian Removal Act initiated by President Andrew Jackson, Native Americans would eventually be forcibly moved from the eastern U.S. and placed in the "designated Indian territory" west of the Mississippi River. This forced transfer known today as the "Trail of Tears" remains one of the most controversial subjects in American history.)
For Veterans Day
Visit our Veterans Day Collection to view these series that commemorate the veterans who fought for our freedom:
- Generations of Heroes
- S.C. Veterans in History
- South Carolina's Greatest Generation
- South Carolinians in WW II
- Thanks, Viet Nam Veterans
- Tuskegee Airmen
- Vanishing Generation
- Victory By Valor: Shaw Air Force Base
- Victory Starts Here: Fort Jackson Centennial
View these each month to find out about Collections we’ve developed on topics you may never have considered we’d make available on KnowItAll.org!
- View the November Factoids!
- You can also view the KnowItAll Factoids for the full year here!
If we were able to spark your curiosity with the resources listed above, please visit these additional areas on KnowItAll.org!
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Lesson plans for teachers that meet South Carolina standards.
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