Happy New Year to all!
This month, KnowItAll features resources for Martin Luther King Day and African American History Month for use now through February.
In addition, we offer resources for World Day of Peace, National Personal Trainer Awareness Day, National Trivia Day (become knowledgeable on an assortment of topics by selecting a month from our KnowItAll Factoids and explore!), plus there are Trivia Quizzes that correspond to each episode of History In A Nutshell. We have resources to view on the space shuttle (to acknowledge the date on which the bill funding it was signed into law).and content for National Bird Day, National Screenwriters Day, National Technology Day, National Career Coach Day, and Law Enforcement Appreciation Day. Also National Cut Your Energy Costs Day, National Save the Eagles Day and Human Trafficking Awareness Day. We offer resources for National Pharmacist Day and resources on Harvey Gantt on the anniversary of his admission to Clemson University. Also Penguin Awareness Day, and Australia Day, and resources on Apollo I, in remembrance of the tragedy that occurred in 1967. taking the lives of Gus Grissom, Ed White, and Roger Chaffee. Our Holocaust Remembrance Collection provides resources for International Holocaust Remembrance Day.
Throughout the month, visit our KnowItAll Factoids, where each date listed brings up a resource you may not have thought to look for—here on Knowitall! View the January Factoids to see what surprises you may discover!
Before we highlight the content featured in January, we'd like to share what's new on KnowItAll.org!
Conversations with Crescent
In this video, Crescent interviews American fashion designer and South Carolina African American History Calendar honoree, Sergio Hudson about his educational experience in South Carolina, his career as a fashion designer, and his new collection in partnership with Target.
Creating with Mr. Dearybury
Alma Thomas was an incredible artist who used patterns and colors to create beautiful pieces. Inspired by her work, viewers will create their own art using torn colored paper.
Art is messy, science is experimenty, and sometimes the result isn't what you think. Just like Cece from Cece Loves Science learns something new, viewers of this episode will learn something new about foil, markers, and water!
Wonderful things can happen when love is in your circle. In this episode viewers will learn to make circular art inspired by Kandinsky so they can remember the special people in their circle.
Sometimes people make fun of us for being our fabulous selves. Just like Fern unicorn, we just have to keep being who we are. In this episode viewers will learn to make costume pieces so they can be just like Fern!
Lots of us think we "can't" draw, but no one ever says "I can't doodle." In this episode, viewers will explore their doodlability just like artist Keith Haring.
Pip the Pig wasn't "normal" and we don't have to be either. Express your unique self by making art using nothing but a ripped piece of cardboard.
Artist Tyree Guyton changed his community forever by making art with trash. Viewers of this episode will be challenged to do the same in their neighborhoods by using items bound for the landfill to make beautiful creations.
Using The Dot, by Peter H. Reynold's, viewers will make a mark, and another mark, and another, and another til a unique piece of art is born. Hang it on the wall, give it to a friend, make up a story about it! Whatever you do, just make a mark and see where it takes you!
Making It Grow
When it rains, water either soaks into the ground or flows downhill into small streams and ponds and then into a larger body of water, like a river, lake, or ocean. A watershed is an area of land where all rain flows to the same body of water. All the rain that falls in Sumter County drains to either the Black River, the Wateree River, Lake Marion, or the Lynches River.
Clemson Extension Water Resources Agent Katie Collins created a Litter Lesson Kit designed for Sumter, SC students to learn about local watersheds, litter, and the concepts of reduce, reuse, and recycle. This fun and educational hands-on kit for students comes with a teacher curriculum, supplies, and instructions.
Talking Black in America: Roots
“Talking Black in America: Roots” is the third program in a series of television documentaries exploring dimensions of African American language and culture and their formative influence on the United States and beyond; it is a celebration of African-American resiliency, creativity, and ingenuity, finding a connection of the spirit to the people and society of West Africa and the African Diaspora. Filmed in West Africa, the Caribbean, and throughout the United States.
VirtualSC Energy
This lesson explores the connections between energy and recycling. Topics covered in this lesson include types of energy, thermal units, energy costs, and benefits of recycling.
This lesson facilitates the process of creating circuits using a squishy circuits kit. Topics covered in this lesson include circuits, conductors, and insulators.
A Visit to Fort Moultrie and Fort Sumter National Historic Park
Journey back in time with the Charleston National Parks as they tell the stories of Fort Sumter, Fort Moultrie, and the roles they played in the American Civil War. Included in this series are videos chronicling the outbreak of the Civil War, Robert Smalls' helping others escape from slavery, and the Massachusetts 54th Infantry's legendary storming of Battery Wagner.
The Riley Institute at Furman and South Carolina Future Minds partner to present the annual Dick and Tunky Riley WhatWorksSC Award for Excellence to an outstanding education initiative in South Carolina.
Clemson University Teacher Residency Program prepares individuals enrolled in Clemson’s bachelor’s-to-master’s teaching program with strong content knowledge, a full year of student teaching, and mentorship by high-quality, experienced educators with the aims of increasing teacher retention and preparedness as well as PK-12 student achievement.
Communities In Schools of South Carolina surrounds students with a community of support, empowering them to stay in school and achieve in life. Using the Integrated Student Supports model, the program identifies and addresses risk and protective factors that influence a child’s academic success and can impact their ability to remain in school. School-based site coordinators partner with the school and community to provide students with the support they need to succeed inside and outside the classroom, helping them graduate, create healthier relationships, and find success in life.
The Upstate Schools Consortium offers professional development opportunities throughout the school year related to a wide range of topics, from literacy and math to college and career readiness to grading, for K-12 educators, district office personnel, and future educators on Furman’s campus and online.
* You can always access the newest content by checking our search engine here for the latest results. The content is displayed with the newest at the top.

In addition, you can also find on this page our TOP 10 SERIES, TOP 10 AUDIO, TOP 10 DOCUMENTS and TOP 10 PHOTOS!
This Collection honors the work of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and relays much of the history of the Civil Rights era. The Collection includes:
Penn Center: A Legacy of Change
This program tells the story of the Penn Center’s inception in 1862 as a school for freed slaves to its involvement in the Gullah community today. Today the center collects, documents, preserves, and disseminates information related to cultural heritage of the Sea Island and Lowcountry African American culture.
African American History Month on Periscope
This collection honors our history and the African Americans who made strides in the advancement of African Americans.
Road Trip! Through South Carolina's Civil Rights History
Designed to help teachers and students to learn about the people and the events, and the importance of the civil rights movement in South Carolina from the 1940s to the early 1970s.
Be sure to check the individual resources in this collection, including these and more!
Andrew Young on the Death of Martin Luther King, Jr.
Benjamin Mays Historical Preservation Site Photo Gallery | Let's Go!
Benjamin Mays | SC Hall of Fame
Colored Water Fountain | Periscope
Coretta Scott King – Road Trip Through S.C. Civil Rights History
Judge Matthew Perry, Jr. | Road Trip (Courthouse Dedication April 23, 2004)
King at Penn Center – Road Trip Through S.C. Civil Rights History
Land - Penn Center | A Natural State
Leading the Struggle – Road Trip Through S.C. Civil Rights History
March on Washington | Crowd on the Mall | Periscope
March on Washingon | Periscope
March on Washington | Road Trip
Marian Wright Edelman – S.C. Hall of Fame
Martin Luther King with President Lyndon Johnson | Periscope
Martin Luther King, Jr. (1929-1968) – Road Trip Through S.C. Civil Rights History
Martin Luther King, Jr. Day Celebrated at the State House – Palmetto Scene
Martin Luther King, Jr. Day Legislation | Periscope
Orangeburg Massacre, Part 4 – The Big Picture
Penn Center: A Legacy, Part 2 – Social Injustice
Policemen & Federal Marshals | Periscope
Road Trip Upstate, Stop 3: Key Leadership
Septima Clark – S.C. Hall of Fame
Story of Ruby Bridges by Robert Coles | Periscope
Why the Penn Center? Road Trip Through S.C. Civil Rights History
- Martin Luther King, Jr.
- Out of the Shadows | Black America Since MLK: And Still I Rise
- Read, Write, Paint and Sing...Celebrating the Life of Dr. Martin Luther King
View the full Martin Luther King Collection – just one click away!
KnowItAll's African American History Collection provides these resources—all in one place! Use them now for Martin Luther King Day and in February for African American History Month.
A True Likeness (Richard Samuel Roberts, Photographer)
A Visit to Fort Sumter and Fort Moultrie National Park
African American History Month | Periscope
Avery Research Center | Let’s Go!
Born To Rebel, Driven To Excel (Benjamin Mays)
Cecil Williams South Carolina Civil Rights Museum
Civil Rights Movement | SC Hall of Fame
Civil Rights Youth Media Summit
Dizzy Gillespie: From the Be to the Bop | Carolina Stories
Ernest A. Finney - S.C. Chief Justice | S.C. Hall of Fame
Homecoming: Art of Jonathan Green and Leo Twiggs | Carolina Stories
Jail, No Bail | Carolina Stories
Mary McLeod Bethune (Idella Bodie's S.C. Women)
Matthew Perry | SC Hall of Fame
Modjeska Simkins (Idella Bodie's S.C. Women)
Modjeska Monteith Simkins | Carolina Snaps
Penn Center: A Legacy of Change
Road Trip! Through South Carolina's Civil Rights History
Ronald McNair | Carolina Snaps
Saving Sandy Island | Carolina Stories
SC Chief Justice Ernest Finney | SC Hall of Fame
Septima Clark | SC Hall of Fame
South Carolina African American History Calendar
Talking Black in America: Roots
- Briggs v. Elliott
- Friendship Nine
- Gullah
- Noted African Americans
- Orangeburg Massacre
- Penn Center
- Slavery in South Carolina
There are seven overview sections. Each provides a short summary of a topic related to the Holocaust. Teachers can summarize these mini-lectures for their students or share them with more able readers. The overviews are intended to supplement the information in students' textbooks on each topic and provide a background for teaching the lessons that follow each overview. A Holocaust timeline and glossary are also included.
Trace the events of the Holocaust through the testimony of survivors who settled in South Carolina. Interviews are combined with dramatic archival footage for a powerful and moving record of the inhumanity that was experienced during the Holocaust.
Full interviews with South Carolinians who survived the Holocaust and those who liberated the concentration camps or witnessed the atrocities that took place.
The Holocaust Forum was a collaboration between the South Carolina Council on the Holocaust, ETV, and the South Carolina Department of Education.
If we were able to spark your curiosity with the resources listed above, please visit these additional areas on KnowItAll.org!
Knowitall.org features over 9,000 mobile-friendly videos, worksheets, and interactives for preK-12. Now you can drill down to the specific Topics and Subtopics you’re interested in.
Find topical content and lessons grouped together for your convenience. These are available all year long for your planning purposes.
Lesson plans for teachers that meet South Carolina standards.
Be sure to review our KnowItAll blogs! They provide links to recommended resources each month. You may be surprised by all the topics you'll find!
From the top of the home page, click on the magnifying glass, and when the search box opens, click on the magnifying glass again, and the results will come up, showing all of the assets available on KnowItAll.org. The newest content will appear at the top of the results. Just scroll down to view all of the content that is new to you! Visit often, so you won’t miss a thing!
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