Ruby still lives in New Orleans. She runs the Ruby Bridges Foundation to help troubled children at William Frantz and other schools. With the group, Ruby travels the country advocating the importance of education and integration to students. A book about her experience at William Frantz, titled The Story of Ruby Bridges, was published in 1995. Dr. Robert Coles wrote the book with Ruby's assistance. In 1998, her story was recreated in the Disney film, Ruby Bridges and in 1999 Ruby's own book, Through My Eyes, was published.
Today, Ruby Bridges continues to live in New Orleans and works in schools around the country to promote education.
"Don't follow the path. Go where there is no path and begin the trail."
-Ruby Bridges
Courtesy: Ruby Bridges Foundation
- 5.4.CE Analyze the causes and impacts of social movements in the U.S. and South Carolina.
- This indicator was designed to foster inquiry into the role of South Carolina in the Modern Civil Rights Movement, to include the influence of court cases such as Briggs v. Elliot and Flemming v. South Carolina Electric and Gas. This indicator was also developed to promote inquiry into the relationship between national leadership, protests, and events and South Carolina leadership, protests and events, such as the Friendship Nine and the Orangeburg Massacre.
- This indicator was developed to encourage inquiry into how different party platforms evolved following World War II. This indicator promotes inquiry into how the major parties came to represent different approaches to fiscal and political governance as well as social and judicial policies.
Ruby todavía vive en Nueva Orleans. Dirige la Fundación Ruby Bridges el cual ayuda a los niños con problemas en William Frantz y otras escuelas. Con el grupo, Ruby viaja por el país abogando por la importancia de la educación y la integración de los estudiantes. Un libro sobre su experiencia en William Frantz, titulado The Story of Ruby Bridges (La historia de Ruby Bridges), fue publicado en 1995. Robert Coles escribió el libro con la ayuda de Ruby. En 1998, su historia fue recreada en la película de Disney, Ruby Bridges y en 1999 el propio libro de Ruby, Through My Eyes ( A través de mis ojos) se publicó.
Hoy en día, Ruby Bridges continúa viviendo en Nueva Orleans y trabaja en escuelas de todo el país para promover la educación.
"No sigas el camino. Ve donde no hay camino y comienza el sendero".
-Ruby Bridges
Cortesía: Ruby Bridges Foundation