A card advertising "The Greenville Baptist Female College," issued by Professor C.H. Judson (see Charles Hallette Judson), December 23, 1863, announced that, "during the suspension of the Furman University, he will devote all of his time and energies to the interests of the College. By the aid and counsel of able and experienced teachers and by the enforcement of strict discipline, he hopes to render the College in every way worthy of the confidence and patronage of the public. Parents desiring to enter their daughters for the ensuing year, will do well to communicate with the undersigned by letter as early as practicable, and in committing their daughters to his care, they may rest assured that their health, deportment, and manners, as well as their intellectual and moral culture, will receive every attention." From the Baptist Historical Collection.
Courtesy of the Furman University Archives Special Collections Department.