Knowitall Healthy!

Knowitall Healthy! was created to provide resources that support the objectives of the Student Health and Fitness Act 2005 implemented in South Carolina schools.

Knowitall Healthy! was created to provide resources that support the objectives of the Student Health and Fitness Act 2005 implemented in South Carolina schools. The Student Health and Fitness Act 2005 was passed by the General Assembly on May 25, 2005 and was signed by the governor on June 1, 2005 to establish physical education, school health services, and nutritional standards in schools. Three state agencies - the SC Department of Education, the Department of Health and Environmental Control, and South Carolina ETV- collaborated to heighten public awareness of the initiative and to extend its reach to all South Carolinians. 

Hand Hygiene Day (May) / Global Handwashing Day (October)

Hand Hygiene Day is celebrated on May 5 each year. Stop back here again for the Global Handwashing Day on October 15.

America's Safe Schools Week (October)

"The National School Safety Center's goal is to motivate key education and law enforcement policymakers, as well as students, parents and community residents, to vigorously advocate school safety. School safety includes keeping campuses free of crime and violence, improving discipline, and increasing student attendance. School that are safe and free of violence, weapons and drugs are necessary to ensure the well-being of all children and the quality of their education." (  View our Safety Collection

Within this Collection

 1918 Flu Pandemic In S.C. | History In A Nutshell 1
1918 Flu Pandemic In S.C. | History In A Nutshell
Episode 1


In January of 1918, a deadly H1N1 strain of Influenza called the "Spanish Flu" began sweeping across the globe. This flu, also known as "Strain A" or "Avian Flu", took its toll worldwide, infecting...
A Trip to the Dentist
A Trip to the Dentist


Students can define cavity, healthy food, and snacks. They will describe the relationship between excessive sugar consumption and obesity, diabetes and tooth decay. They also will demonstrate good...

Where Does Your Food Grow?
Where Does Your Food Grow?


Students will define farm, garden, orchard, farmers market, roadside stand, and grocery store. They will recognize foods come from different places.

Once Around the Clock
Once Around the Clock


Students will define nutrients, physical activity, and replenish. They will discuss why the body needs physical activity and explain the importance of replenishing nutrients after activity.

Beans are Protein
Beans are Protein


Students will define bean, protein and meat alternatives. They will identify different types of beans.

Change Your Oil
Change Your Oil


Students will define saturated fat, unsaturated fat, polyunsaturated fat, monounsaturated fat, and trans fat. They will understand the differences between the types of fat and learn to make healthy...

Fun with Fruits
Fun with Fruits


Students can define: nutritious, energy, fruit, and healthy foods and snacks. Students will identify the fruit portion of MyPlate and identify the health benefits of eating a variety of fruits.

 Prom Graduation Safety | Youth Services
Prom Graduation Safety | Youth Services


For Educators, Parents and Students New Fads in Teen Alcohol Use with Kristy A. Stoneburner, MPH, CHES, CPP. Ms. Stoneburner is Program Coordinator for Lexington One Community Coalition (LOCC). This...