Oconee Station State Historic Site | Destination: SC Parks


Oconee Station State Historic Site has the oldest building in Oconee County. The stone structure was built in 1792 by the South Carolina State Militia. It was the centerpiece of a small military outpost, called a station, as opposed to a fort. In the 1790s, there were a number of raids made by Creek Indians in the area, and South Carolina fortified the frontier. A series of these small frontier outposts were built every 10 to 12 miles apart, each consisting of a blockhouse, or a similar structure that troops could seek shelter in, should they come under siege.

William Richards moved to the area in 1795 and began to operate an Indian trading post. In 1805, a brick structure was built for him.

Log structures were the most common structure built along the American frontier in the late 1700s. Both structures remain standing today because they were built using masonry,

Station Cove Falls is a part of the Oconee Station State Historic Site. There is a great diversity of plants like the walking fern, which gets its name from the way it reproduces. When the tips of the fronds of the fern touch the ground, they sometimes take root, and a new plant sprouts.

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Destination: SC Parks