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9259 Search Results
Nutrient-Rich Soils | The Cove Forest
Nutrient-Rich Soils | The Cove Forest


Cove forests typically have deep nutrient-rich soils that are less acidic than surrounding areas. A favorable soil, coupled with a relatively cool, moist environment, promotes a rich diversity of...
Mixed Mesophytic Forests | The Cove Forest
Mixed Mesophytic Forests | The Cove Forest


Cove forests are also called "mixed mesophytic forests." The term, "mixed mesophytic forest" refers to a mixture of tree species adapted to relatively cool, moist environments and rich soils...
The "Henrietta" | History Of SC Slide Collection
The "Henrietta" | History Of SC Slide Collection
Episode 1


The "Henrietta" was the largest ship ever built in Horry County. She was launched in 1875, registering more than 1,200 tons, 201 feet long, and 39 feet wide. Courtesy of the South Caroliniana Library.
Bike for Your Life
Bike for Your Life


Students will define physical activity and health-related fitness. They will identify fun sources of physical activity through a charades game. They will learn the relationship between physical...

Play Hard, Snack Healthy
Play Hard, Snack Healthy


Students will define hustle, physical activity and variety. They will identify ways to work physical activity into their day. Also they will categorize different healthy snacks into the appropriate...

Aerobic Activity
Aerobic Activity


Students will define aerobic and anaerobic exercise/activity. They will keep a week-long exercise journal demonstrating these exercises. They will differentiate between them and have the ability to...

Let's Go Play
Let's Go Play


Students will gain an understanding of muscles, bones, endurance and health-related fitness. They will describe how physical activity helps build strong bones and muscles. They will also identify ways...

Walking the Dog
Walking the Dog


Students will define physical activity, moderate physical activity, and vigorous physical activity. They will learn the recommended amount of time for physical activity daily and practice multiple...

Go Play Outside!
Go Play Outside!


Students will gain an understanding of the importance of physical activity and how it connects to the foods they eat. They will participate in an activity and then work together to create a class book...

Fowler's Toad | The Cove Forest
Fowler's Toad | The Cove Forest


(Bufo fowler) This toad is commonly found in the deciduous woods of the Carolinas. It differs from the American Toad by having more than two warts in each dorsal dark spot. The large glands behind the...
Two-Lined Salamander | The Cove Forest


(Eurycea bislineata) The two-lined is one of the smallest salamanders in the cove forest. This species is found under logs and rocks in the moist soil conditions, usually near water. Breeding occurs...
Jordan's Salamander | The Cove Forest


(Plenthodon jordani) This lungless salamander is extremely abundant in cove forests at higher altitudes. Large quantities of sticky mucus are secreted by the tail for protection against avian...
Red Salamader | The Cove Forest


(Pseudotrition ruber) The red is one of the most beautiful salamanders in the cove forest. Colors range from purplish brown to deep orange-red. It is lungless and terrestrial. Eggs are laid in water...
Ocoee Salamander | The Cove Forest


(Desmognathus ocoee) The ocoee salamander is lungless and lives in streams in wet areas adjacent to streams. It has a highly variable dorsal color patterning; usually a series of connected paired...
Black-Bellied Salamander | The Cove Forest


(Desmognathus quadramaculatus) This is the largest of the lungless salamanders in the cove forests. They are usually found in streams that have a rocky bottom and usually rest on wet rocks near these...
Spotted Salamander | The Cove Forest


(Ambystoma maculatum) The spotted salamander is one of the most colorful of the ambystomid salamanders. The shiny black back of the animal has a series of large yellow/yellow orange spots. These...
Wood Frog | The Cove Forest


(Rana sylvatica) This medium sized frog is primarily a northern species with its most southerly distribution associated with the cove forests of the mountain of SC. It is ieasily identifiied by its...
Catawba Pottery Tradition | Palmetto Scene


“Catawba Pottery is the oldest Native pottery tradition east of the Mississippi River that’s been produced continuously throughout time,” Catawba Potter Keith “Little Bear” Brown explains. Catawba...
Horse Drawn Wagon | History Of SC Slide Collection
Horse Drawn Wagon | History Of SC Slide Collection
Episode 2


These two boys wait patiently in the wagon that will take the family's purchases home. Their wagon is parked on the street in front of Welling and Bennoit Hardware in Darlington around 1900. Courtesy...