Students will be participating in different stations to improve on hitting, fielding, and throwing.
Visit the South Carolina Department of Education for the Physical Education standards.
Students will be participating in different stations to improve on hitting, fielding, and throwing.
Students will be working together on creating posters that show how not to and how to correctly perform a specific skill in order to reduce injuries in different sports.
Students will learn how to pass and trap a soccer ball with a partner while using the correct technique.
Students will be learning how to correctly perform a serve, forehand, and backhand in pickleball.
Students will learn how to dribble a soccer ball using the correct technique in various drills and a small-sided game at the end of the lesson.
Students will be learning how to perform different types of rolls in gymnastics such as log roll, safety roll, shoulder roll, and forward roll.
Students will be working together cooperatively and respectfully as a team to get the whole team and their equipment to the other side of the gym.
Students will be learning how to correctly use the forehand and backhand underhand clear shots