
Animals that are invertebrate do not have a backbone. According to, "more than 90 percent of all living animal species are invertebrates." 

Insects are also included under this classification.

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Insects are also included under this classification.

 Carolina Heelsplitter | What's Wild
Carolina Heelsplitter | What's Wild


South Carolina's freshwater ecosystems are a lifeline for countless species, providing clean water, habitat, and a delicate balance essential for biodiversity. In these serene waters, the Carolina...
Marshland Crabs Trivia Quiz | What's Wild
Marshland Crabs Trivia Quiz | What's Wild


The third What's Wild episode on marshland traveled to the coastal region of South Carolina that this fauna calls home. If you caught this episode all about the crustaceans in South Carolina's...
 Marshland Crabs | What's Wild
Marshland Crabs | What's Wild


We're exploring one of South Carolina's most productive and serene environments, the saltwater marsh. This rich and diverse ecosystem, brimming with marine species, has a dynamic rhythm that beats to...
 Mud Snail | The Salt Marsh
Mud Snail | The Salt Marsh


The mud snail is black, with a very strong shell, and is about 1/2 inch in length. It is an effective scavenger and hundreds of snails will collect around a dead fish or shrimp bait until they...
Shrimp | The Salt Marsh
Shrimp | The Salt Marsh


Three different species of shrimp are collected commercially from offshore and from the salt marsh. They are the pink shrimp, the brown shrimp, and the white shrimp. They are large, up to 10 inches in...
Blue Crabs | The Salt Marsh
Blue Crabs | The Salt Marsh


Blue crabs are active predators and effective scavengers. They occur throughout the estuary. They can swim by using their last pair of legs, which have been modified into paddles instead of walking...
 Male Fiddler Behavior | The Salt Marsh
Male Fiddler Behavior | The Salt Marsh


Male fiddler crabs have one large claw, which can be either their left or right. They wave these large claws at other males to frighten them away from their territory. When they wave the claw, they...
 Sandy Point (S.C.) Stop 2 3
Sandy Point (S.C.) Stop 2
Episode 3


The Florida horse conch is the largest gastropod one would find around the beaches of Sandy Point. The Atlantic murex is a gastropod which features blunt, but large spines on its shell. The Atlantic...