History In A Nutshell - Mexican American War
President James K. Polk desired to achieve his vision of "Manifest Destiny," and sought to acquire Mexico's northern territories. Mexico had no desire to sell Alta California and Nuevo Mexico to Pres. Polk, and in turn was provoked into war by attacking American troops within disputed territory in Texas. From 1846-1848, the United States and Mexico fought for supremacy of these territories. Modern historians view the Mexican-American War as a source of controversy due to how the land was acquired. Learn how the United States was able to expand from east to west with History In A Nutshell!
Mexican American War Trivia Quiz - Teacher Resource
Mexican American War Trivia Quiz Interactive
Mexican American War Photo Gallery
Mexican American War Vocabulary Terms

Let's Go! Avery Research Center
The Avery Research Center for African American History and Culture is located on the site of the former Avery Normal Institute. It was a hub for Charleston’s African American community from 1865–1954 that trained its students for professional careers and leadership roles. In 1985, the alumni of the Avery Normal Institute, spearheaded by the Honorable Lucille Whipper, formed the Avery Institute of Afro-American History and Culture. It joined with the College of Charleston to establish the Avery Research Center to preserve the legacy of the Avery Normal Institute and educate the community on the history and culture of African Americans in Charleston, the South Carolina Lowcountry, and South Carolina at large.
Over 3000 patrons visit the Avery Research Center annually, ranging from scholars and lecturers to school groups and universities, to families and community members from all over the world. The Avery Research Center provides tours, hosts workshops, presents lectures, and spotlights local and national talents in various forms of creative expression. Additionally, partnerships with the Charleston Public Schools, Berkeley Public Schools, the MOJA Arts Festival: A Celebration of African-American and Caribbean Arts sponsored by the City of Charleston Office of Cultural Affairs, and other community groups extend the Avery Research Center’s reach into local communities.

Slithering Back Into the Wild | What's Wild Interviews
At a zoo you’d expect to primarily see animals from around the world but as it turns out, there are a few local residents on display. One of these native species to South Carolina, the Pine Snake, lives in a unique habitat that Riverbanks Zoo is returning them to.

Turtle Rescue at South Carolina Aquarium | What's Wild Interviews
The South Carolina Aquarium is home to over 5,000 animals! It also features a one-of-a-kind experience for students and learners of all ages by providing a space that inspires both conservation and education. One of their most popular exhibits also serves as a vital resource for one of South Carolina’s most special reptiles.

What's Growing at Riverbanks Botanical Gardens | What's Wild Interviews
Just across the Saluda River, the zoo offers another experience for visitors at Riverbanks Botanical Gardens. Their lead horticulturist explains how plants play a major role at the zoo and in the wild.
National Career Development Month
Career education resources are available in all of the Career Clusters by visiting our Career Explorations Collection! You can locate these assets easily by Series or Career Cluster.

Career Explorations on KnowItAll.org
KnowItAll brings an abundance of career education and job shadowing videos to your computer, tablet or mobile device! These videos provide insight into a wide array of professions, as students plan the pathway that best suits them.
You can locate these assets easily by Career Cluster and by Series - Under Within This Collection, you’ll see the career education videos grouped by Career Cluster and just below, you’ll see the Related Series!
View KnowItAll Career Education Content by Career Cluster:
- Advice, Education & Skills
- Agriculture, Food & Natural Resources
- Architecture & Construction
- Arts, A/V Technology & Communications
- Business, Management & Administration
- Education & Training
- Finance
- Government & Public Administration
- Green & Sustainability Skills
- Health Science
- Hospitality & Tourism
- Human Services
- Information Technology
- Law, Public Safety, Corrections & Security
- Manufacturing
- Marketing
- Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics
- Sports-Related Careers
- Transportation, Distribution & Logistics
Produced by ETV, these interviews highlight jobs in various geographic regions of our state. SC Career and Technology Centers are located in these areas and school districts. Ask your school guidance counselor for more information.
Aiken County Career and Technology Center (Warrenville) | Anderson I and II Career and Technology Center (Williamston) | Barnwell County Career Center (Blackville) | Colleton Career Skills Center (Walterboro) | Dorchester County Career and Technology Center (Summerville) | Enoree Career Center (Greenville) | Fairfield Career and Technology Center (Winnsboro) | Hemingway Career and Technology Center | Heyward Career and Technology Center (Columbia) | Lexington Technology Center | Daniel Morgan Technology Center (Spartanburg) | Hamilton Career and Technology Center (Seneca, Oconee County) | Pickens County Career and Technology Center (Liberty) | G. Frank Russell Career Center (Greenwood) | Sumter Career and Technology Center | Union County Schools | Woolard Technology Center (Camden)
*Please contact us if you are aware that the websites for these career and technology centers have changed. Thank you!
- Carolina Classrooms
- Carolina Money
- Creating a Career with the Arts in Mind
- Creating a Career with the Media Arts in Mind
- diSCovering Science
- Eye Wonder
- Hot Jobs
- Kids Work!
- Legacy of Leadership
- Let’s Go! CAREERS
- Original SC
- Palmetto Leaders
- Palmetto Voices
- Project Lead SC
- Science Splash
- I Made It…You Can, Too
- Where the Jobs Are: Exploring Career Clusters
- Women Vision SC

Native American Heritage Month
Native American Heritage Month is celebrated from November 1-30 each year.
View our Native American Heritage Collection
Within This Collection (Native American Tribes and Their History)
- Catawba
- Cherokees
- Chicora
- Natchez Kusso, Later Edisto
- Pee Dee
- Santee
- Sewees
- Tuscarora/Iroquoian Tribe
- Varner Town
- Waccamaw
- Circle of Inheritance (Prehistoric and colonial history of South Carolina)
- Catawba Cultural Center | Let’s Go!
- Nancy Basket (Cherokee basket-maker) from A Natural State
- Billie Anne McKellar (Catawba potter) from Natural State: Piedmont
- C. Indigenous Landscape from Pee Dee Explorer (history of Native Americans in South Carolina)
- Native American Heritage Month from Periscope (includes Native American Heritage, Powwow, Snowbird Cherokee, the First South Carolinians, Santee, Catawba, Pee Dee, Edisto, Chicora, and Cherokee)
- F. Catawba | Periscope
- Native Americans from Road Trip Through South Carolina’s Civil Rights History (Explores how the Santee Indians and Varnertown Indians experienced the Civil Rights Movement in South Carolina)
- Snowbird Cherokees (Explores the lives of the Snowbird Cherokees, evicted in 1938 – Trail of Tears)
- Those Who Remain (Explores the little-known cultures of South Carolina’s Native American people)
- A. Settlement (from South Carolina Hall of Fame)
- Ring People

Veterans Day
Visit our Veterans Day Collection to view these series that commemorate the veterans who fought for our freedom:
- Generations of Heroes
- S.C. Veterans in History
- South Carolina's Greatest Generation
- South Carolinians in WW II
- Thanks, Viet Nam Veterans
- Tuskegee Airmen
- Vanishing Generation
- Victory By Valor: Shaw Air Force Base
- Victory Starts Here: Fort Jackson Centennial
- Vietnam: The Monument, The Memories
View these each month to find out about Collections we’ve developed on topics you may never have considered we’d make available on KnowItAll.org!
- View the November Factoids!
- You can also view the KnowItAll Factoids for the full year here!
If we were able to spark your curiosity with the resources listed above, please visit these additional areas on KnowItAll.org!
Knowitall.org features over 9,000 mobile-friendly videos, worksheets, and interactives for preK-12. Now you can drill down to the specific Topics and Subtopics you’re interested in.
Find topical content and lessons grouped together for your convenience. These are available all year long for your planning purposes.
Lesson plans for teachers that meet South Carolina standards.
Be sure to review our KnowItAll blogs! They provide dates and links to resources each month. You may be surprised by all the topics you'll find!
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