This city of Columbia bicentennial time capsule was sealed December 31, 1986. It is to be opened March 22, 2036, on Columbia’s 250th birthday.Located in the capital city of Columbia, the State House and its grounds are a living monument to South Carolina’s rich history. Take a 3D virtual tour inside the SC State House.
To View VRs on the Matterport App: The 3D experiences were shot with a Matterport Pro 3D Camera. Experience the VRs using the Matterport phone apps with either a Google Cardboard or Samsung Gear VR.
(1) Download the iOS or Android app to your phone
(2) Use your phone's browser to go to the VR link at South Carolina State House.
(3) When you click on a link, the Matterport App will open on your phone.
(4) The VRs will need to download to the app prior to viewing.
(5) Look for the visual queues (circles) to navigate through the VR experience.
This city of Columbia bicentennial time capsule was sealed December 31, 1986. It is to be opened March 22, 2036, on Columbia’s 250th birthday.Photo
The North side inscription reads: “This monument perpetuates the memory of those who, true to the instincts of their birth, faithful to the teachings of their fathers, constant in their love for the...Photo
A ladder in this room at the top of the outer dome leads to the platform from which the United States and South Carolina flags are raised and lowered. An image on this page shows the view looking up...Photo
This monument honors the founder of the science of gynecology, Dr. J. Marion Sims, a native of Lancaster, South Carolina. After graduating from South Carolina Medical College, Sims began practicing...Photo
Honoring the nation’s first president, this statue of George Washington is on the north side of the State House, facing Gervais Street.Photo
The west wing of the lower lobby houses the office of the governor of South Carolina. It is here and in adjoining rooms that the chief executive officer of the state and his staff conduct the business...Photo
Pictured from left to right above. Rostrum: The House rostrum is extremely valuable and was skillfully crafted by artisans of the Columbia Lumber Company. It is made of hand-carved British Mahogany...Photo
This monument honors James F. Byrnes 1879–1972, who served as South Carolina congressman, senator, governor, and secretary of state of the United States.Photo
This marker commemorates the Jefferson Davis Highway, which was named after the president of the Confederate States of America. It was erected in 1923 by the United Daughters of the Confederacy.Photo
Now the Joint Legislative Conference Room, this room was once the state law library and later the office of the legislative council. This is the only room in the State House that has remained original...