You may be surprised at all that you’ll find on KnowItAll.org!
There’s so much to explore, we want to help you to get right to it - but first…
There are three items we’d like to share with you – this month on KnowItAll.org!
For your convenience, this information has been published as four separate blogs.
Please find them at the links below:
I. What’s at the Top – Our top 20 sites on KnowItAll.org
II. What’s Needed – Science and Math content
III. What’s New on KnowItAll: A Recap of Content Added to KnowItAll.org in the Past Year
And Now, Our Top 20 Sites on KnowItAll.org!
Just in case you’re curious about what others are viewing on KnowItAll.org, here are the results from the past year:
- Kids Work!
- GullahNet
- Salt Marsh from SC Life
- Artopia
- NASA Science Simulations
- South Carolina from A to Z with Walter Edgar
- Let’s Go! CAREERS
- Nuestro Futuro (Our Future)
- ETV Shorts
- G-Man: The Rise and Fall of Melvin Purvis
- Celebrate United Nations Day from Periscope
- Let’s Go!
- Hot Jobs
- NASA Online
- Hobby Shop
- Snowbird Cherokees
- History In A Nutshell
- The Cove Forest
- Ghosts and Legends of South Carolina I
- RiverVenture
Be sure to visit our Knowitall Factoids at the beginning of each month to view the DATES FOR YOUR CALENDAR AND KNOWITALL RESOURCES! The June events are listed here!
*** Please note: The ETV Education newsletter will be sent on the first Monday of the month beginning with the August 2021 issue. This summer we will work to enhance our Holidays and Observances Collection and Knowitall Factoid Series. These real-time resources will be helpful for planning teacher lessons, classroom celebrations, family discussions, and more at any point during the year. ***
Find additional information in these four blogs:
June 2021 on KnowItAll.org
Science Resources on KnowItAll.org
Math Resources on KnowItAll.org
What’s New on KnowItAll: A Recap of Content Added to KnowItAll.org in the Past Year
Knowitall.org features over 9,000 mobile-friendly videos, worksheets, and interactives for preK-12.
Find topical content and lessons grouped together for your convenience.
Lesson plans for teachers that meet South Carolina standards.
Find featured content and helpful information on using KnowItAll throughout the month!
Find new content recently added. Visit often, so you won’t miss a thing!
We welcome your questions and comments! We would love to hear from you!