Earth Science

Earth Science is the study of the planet Earth including all aspects of the interior to the atmosphere.
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 Sandy Point (S.C.) Stop 2 5
Sandy Point (S.C.) Stop 2
Episode 5


This area close by, once an oyster bed, has been covered in sand and is now a beach. A shrimping boat is seen out in the opening of the Atlantic Ocean. The area has around 280 registered species of...
 Peachtree Rock (S.C.) Stop 3 4
Peachtree Rock (S.C.) Stop 3
Episode 4


A little further down the trail, Rudy and Jim come across a sandstone rock, which has cemented over time, due to the abundance of iron in the soil.
 Peachtree Rock (S.C.) Stop 4 6
Peachtree Rock (S.C.) Stop 4
Episode 6


Hardwood Forest - On lower ground, where there is much more moisture, Red Maple, Maple Leaf Viburnum, Mountain Laurel, and White Oak trees grow very well in areas like this. Rudy and Jim come across...
 Peachtree Rock (S.C.) Stop 5 7
Peachtree Rock (S.C.) Stop 5
Episode 7


Peachtree Rock – Rudy and Jim visit the actual rock in which the area gets its name. Contrary to popular belief, it is not actually a rock, but merely a large outcropping of sand held together by iron...
 Jocassee Gorges (S.C.) Stop 6 10
Jocassee Gorges (S.C.) Stop 6
Episode 10


Lake Jocassee – Here, standing on a rock outcropping, Rudy and Jim analyze Lake Jocassee’s geographic features, along with the variety of trees found around the lake: White Pine, Virginia Pine, and...
 Bulls Island (S.C.) Stop 1 3
Bulls Island (S.C.) Stop 1
Episode 3


On the other side of the impoundment we see the effects of Hurricane Hugo. The area once dominated by canopy trees like tall pines, are no longer there.
 Bulls Island (S.C.) Stop 3 6
Bulls Island (S.C.) Stop 3
Episode 6


Hurricane Hugo damage revisited – Here we see further evidence of damage caused by Hurricane Hugo. The tall canopy trees like pines, oaks, and palmettos have been stripped bare. Nature is slowly...
 Bulls Island (S.C.) Stop 5 12
Bulls Island (S.C.) Stop 5
Episode 12


“Ghost Beach” - Rudy and Jim further assess the damage to the island by Hurricane Hugo. The pines and live oaks at the shore line are gone, but the Palmetto trees survived. The water is slowly eroding...
 Forty Acre Rock (S.C.) Stop 6 9
Forty Acre Rock (S.C.) Stop 6
Episode 9


Large masses of granite such as this one, are sometimes called “Plutons,” named after the Roman god of the underworld. This is due the hot liquid granite coming up from the ground and cooling...
 Appalachian Cove (S.C.) Stop 6 12
Appalachian Cove (S.C.) Stop 6
Episode 12


The constant stream of mist coming from the waterfall at this next stop affects the variety of plants found here. The mountain, like the forest, is ancient, and the waterfall continues to wear away...