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Standard 8.1.P


Grade(s): 8

Subject(s): Social Studies

Year: 2019

Settlement of South Carolina
Settlement of South Carolina


Ever wonder what it would have been like to live in the 1700s? How did the settlers hear about our great state of South Carolina? Today, you will begin a five day journey into the past where you will...

Denmark Vesey's Plot | Palmetto Special


The program begins with Vesey discussing the condition of slavery with an acquaintance who is a slave Later, at a meeting, details of the plot are worked out with co-conspirators including Peter Poyas...
Origins of Lowcountry Cuisine | Between the Waters


Culinary adaptations transformed traditional African dishes into a unique, new creolized cuisine, influenced by European and Native American traditions, and characteristic of Gullah culture. Foodways...
Horses As Heroes - Marsh Tackies
Horses As Heroes - Marsh Tackies


"The ancestry of East Coast barrier island wild horse breeds traces back to Spanish explorers, who were adept at the use of horses for travel, work and war. Questions remain as to whether the horses...

Resisting Slavery - Oral Histories
Resisting Slavery - Oral Histories


In this series of lessons, students will examine primary source documents and oral histories of the Stono Rebellion. Students will then create and record their own “oral history” as a South Carolinian...