In this introduction to the 10-part documentary, an overview provides the context, and South Carolinians who survived the Holocaust reflect on these events, telling their individual stories.Trace the events of the Holocaust through the testimony of survivors who settled in South Carolina. Interviews are combined with dramatic archival footage for a powerful and moving record of the inhumanity that was experienced during the Holocaust.
Produced, written, and directed by Rich Panter, this program was nominated for a regional Emmy award. Closed captioning has been provided.
The full interviews are also available on Knowitall at South Carolina Voices: Lessons from the Holocaust.
The South Carolina Social Studies Standard Corrrelations provided for each of the videos in Seared Souls: South Carolina Voices of the Holocaust may also be used with the full interviews in South Carolina Voices: Lessons from the Holocaust,
The Holocaust Forum was a collaboration between the South Carolina Council on the Holocaust, ETV, and the South Carolina Department of Education.
In this introduction to the 10-part documentary, an overview provides the context, and South Carolinians who survived the Holocaust reflect on these events, telling their individual stories.Video
Holocaust survivors reflect on the time immediately following Hitler's rise to the position of vice chancellor.Video
Reflections on the anti-Semitism that began and the systematic isolation of Jews over time, taking away their rights, possessions and freedom. Jews were not permitted to join various youth groups. The...Video
By 1939, after seizing land in Czechoslovakia and promising England's Prime Minister, Neville Chamberlain, that he would remain at peace, Adolf Hitler began World War II. Germany invaded Poland and...Video
By 1939, the schools were closed for Jewish children, the synagogues were closed, and the business were closed. Jews were not allowed to have any businesses. Getting food was difficult and had to be...Video
In 1939 and 1940, more than 70,000 Germans and Austrians, such as the chronically sick and the mentally retarded, had been gassed in six special euthanasia institutions. The euthanasia program became...Video
The conditions in the camps are described in detail. In the camp, a line formed consisting of the able-bodied men and another for the old, pregnant women, young children, mothers with young children...Video
Recollections of the camps continue with stories in which a little bit of luck was helpful, in terms of survival. Everyone who survived has a story like this to tell.Video
Holocaust survivors discuss the determination that was required to survive under the horrid conditions. They discuss the gas chambers, the starvation, and illness, and waking up with a corpse next to...Video
Recollections of being rescued by the Red Cross are shared, including being taken to a hospital, and a first meal of milk and rice. Men and women who served in the U.S. Army tell of their arrival at...South Carolina Council on the Holocaust
South Carolina Council on the Holocaust - The South Carolina Council on the Holocaust was established to develop an educational program to prevent future atrocities similar to the systematic program...