South Carolina Counties

The state of South Carolina is made up of 46 counties. Learn more about each county by selecting a county below to explore people, places and events.

The state of South Carolina is made up of 46 counties. Learn more about each county by selecting a county below to explore people, places and events.

To view the state by tourism regions, visit ETV Shorts.

To view the state by landform regions, visit Web of Water or for the artistic sides of the state, visit A Natural State.

Within this Collection

Hunting Island | From the Sky


On the southern tip of South Carolina lies one of the most unique ecosystems with diverse wildlife and variety of landscapes. Peaceful Beaches, swampy marshlands, and coastal forests stretch across...
Brookgreen Gardens | From the Sky


Near the northern coastline of South Carolina, just south of Murrells Inlet is an outdoor sanctuary that is like no place else in the world. Brookgreen Gardens is affectionately called the Floral...
Ruins | From the Sky


There are countless abandoned buildings and relics scattered across South Carolina. Some however, offer more than just a glimpse into the past. Accounts of strange phenomena have forever been...
Highway 81 | From the Sky


There are over 41,000 miles of road in South Carolina. Like veins in a body’s circulatory system, they connect the busy cities and small towns to each other, each serving a vital role throughout our...