In this episode of From the Sky we uncover the history and facts behind some of South Carolina's most iconic attractions. Learn about the Peachoid in Gaffney, SC, a giant peach-shaped water tower that...Lee County was founded in 1902 with a combination of lands previously belonging to Kershaw, Sumter, and Darlington counties. The county is named in honor of General Robert E. Lee. Bishopville serves as the county seat.
A number of historic events have taken place in Lee County. One small Revolutionary War battle and two small Civil War battles were fought here. Additionally, the last fatal duel in South Carolina occurred in Lee County.
Throughout its history, Lee County has been known for the large amounts of cotton it produces. In fact, a U.S. Senator from Lee County, Ellison Durant Smith, became known as Cotton Ed due to the efforts he made to help cotton farmers. Another notable local is Dalton Stevens, an artist and musician known as the Button King.
Notable Places. Accessed June 09, 2016.
In this episode of From the Sky we uncover the history and facts behind some of South Carolina's most iconic attractions. Learn about the Peachoid in Gaffney, SC, a giant peach-shaped water tower that...Photo
A baseball game on May Day Health Day at Ashwood Plantation. Courtesy of the Library of Congress.Photo
U.S. Goodyear farm in Bishopville, showing a combination tobacco curing and sweet potato curing storage barn. Photograph by E.C. Hunter in October 1939. Courtesy of the Clemson University Libraries.Audio
“B” is for Black River. The Black River takes its name from its tea-colored waters. The river begins in the Sandhills of Lee County, and is joined at Rocky Bluff Swamp near Sumter. The Pocotaligo...Video
On this stop the hosts see more butterfly pea flowers. Watch the video to find out what animal tracks were seen. Learn about the structure of a turtle's shell.Video
This stop is considered floodplain. The hosts makes note of how the river flowed into this area carrying sand and also the height of the water. Native Americans used places like the Lynches river to...Video
The hosts come across some very large mosquitoes. Mosquitoes love standing water. It's the female mosquito that takes blood from us. There are flowers that grow along this stop like sweetgum, red...Video
The host visit an artesian well at this stop. There are many primitive plants that thrive near this source of water. Learn about muscadines and how they're formed. On this last stop the host see a...