Black River | South Carolina Public Radio


“B” is for Black River. The Black River takes its name from its tea-colored waters. The river begins in the Sandhills of Lee County, and is joined at Rocky Bluff Swamp near Sumter. The Pocotaligo River flows into the Black between Manning and Kingstree.  In some places, the river is swamp-like, while in others it is swift-moving with a sandy bottom. After travelling over 150 miles through four counties, the Black River becomes part of the Great Pee Dee River near Georgetown. With the exception of the town of Kingstree and the final stretch in Georgetown County, the banks of the river remain forested and largely undisturbed by development. Today the Black River Basin is primarily a resource for timbering, hunting, and fishing. In 2001, seventy-five miles of the Black River in Clarendon, Williamsburg, and Georgetown Counties became a state scenic river.


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