
Learn about the writing process which includes planning, drafting, revising, editing, rewriting, publishing, and reflecting.

The Fundamentals of Writing can be found at South Carolina ELA Standards.

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The Fundamentals of Writing can be found at South Carolina ELA Standards.

Cassandra King | A Literary Tour of South Carolina


Cassandra King is a best-selling novelist whose fiction has won the hearts of readers everywhere, especially in the American South. A native of Alabama, she now lives in the Lowcountry of S.C., where...
T. Lynn Ocean | A Literary Tour of South Carolina


Living in Myrtle Beach, T. Lynn Ocean is the author of Southern fiction and writes for major newspapers and other publications, including her local paper The Sun News. She has also published novels...
Ben Greer | A Literary Tour of South Carolina


A native of Spartanburg, Ben Greer graduated from the University of South Carolina and received his M.A. in Creative Writing from Hollins University. His first book of fiction, Slammer, was published...
Kwame Dawes | A Literary Tour of South Carolina


Born in Ghana in 1962, Kwame Dawes grew up and spent his early adult life in Jamaica. Dawes is a Distinguished Poet-In-Residence, Louis Frye Scudder Professor of Liberal Arts, and Founder/Executive...
Idella Bodie | A Literary Tour of South Carolina


Born in Ridge Spring and living most of her life in the Aiken area, Idella Bodie, who holds a degree in English from Columbia College, has been writing for young readers for more than thirty years...
Kathryn Wall | A Literary Tour of South Carolina


Kathryn Wall wrote her first story at the age of six and then decided to take a few decades off! After growing up in a small town in northeastern Ohio and attending college in both Ohio and...
Jack Bass | A Literary Tour of South Carolina


Jack Bass has authored or co-authored seven nonfiction books about the American South. His works focus on Southern politics, race relations and the role of law in shaping the civil rights era. With a...
Anthony Varallo | A Literary Tour of South Carolina


Anthony Varallo lives in Charleston and, since 2005, has been teaching at the College of Charleston. In 2008 he won the Drue Heinz Literature Prize for Out Loud. He is the author of three collections...