Careers in Music Therapy, Art Therapy, Dance Therapy, and Drama Therapy have been utilized for several decades, but are not as well known as educational opportunities in the arts [teaching], or being...
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Careers in Music Therapy, Art Therapy, Dance Therapy, and Drama Therapy have been utilized for several decades, but are not as well known as educational opportunities in the arts [teaching], or being...
Unit on performing instrumental accompaniments. Previous lessons which prepared the students for this lesson include working with the pentatonic scale, rhythmic understanding of quarter, eighth, half...
This lesson is the 4th of 6 lessons. The concept of theme and variation is introduced as another type of form which can be used in dance. Students will briefly review AB, ABA, and Rondo form and then...
This lesson builds upon students' music composition skills by having them follow steps they have previously used, and then go one step further by adding lyrics. The objective is to have students...
This unit focuses on the history and development of ballet technique. Throughout this unit, along with notes, students will focus solely on ballet technique. In order to fully value ballet and its...
Students are using the elements of music to begin composing and performing simple melodies. Participate in a class discussion to repair a story that is incorrectly structured. Participate in a class...
This lesson is part of an integrated unit that combines dance and the plant life cycle from 1st grade science standards. Students will use their knowledge of the plant life cycle and the dance...
The students will explore the meaning of words through movement and how dancers can express themselves without using their voices. This exploration will help the students to create their own dances to...
Students will create tableaus and original dialogue to demonstrate an understanding of the social classes of the Antebellum time period.
I can use the elements of music to communicate new musical ideas and works. Students will explore sounds, how to listen and record sounds then use them in the creation of new ideas to accompany a...