Arts, A/V Technology & Communications

"South Carolina Arts, A/V Technology, & Communications career cluster focuses both on the act of creation and on the technologies that make artistic creation and communication possible."

Pathways to Success: Arts, Audio/Video Technology & Communications​ Edition . Accessed October 1, 2015.

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Pathways to Success: Arts, Audio/Video Technology & Communications​ Edition . Accessed October 1, 2015.

 Dizzy Gillespie, Part 3 103
Dizzy Gillespie, Part 3
Episode 103


When the opportunity came for a young Dizzy Gillespie to leave Cheraw, he took it. Dizzy moved to Laurinburg, North Carolina, where he went to school at the Laurinburg Institute. While in Laurinburg...
 Rivers, John Minott | South Carolina Public Radio
Rivers, John Minott | South Carolina Public Radio


“R” is for Rivers, John Minott [1903-1988]. Broadcasting executive. After college, Rivers, a native of Charleston, moved to Greenville. There he became friends with the president of the Liberty Life...
 Bradley Fuller
Bradley Fuller


Sonatas and Soundscapes explores the diverse and colorful range of classical (and not-so-classical) music. Every weekday host Bradley Fuller programs instrumental music from history’s repertoire...
Tom Feelings' Books | National Book Month
Tom Feelings' Books | National Book Month
Episode 8


Books illustrated by Tom Feelings: Soul Looks Back in Wonder Now Sheba Sings Jambo Means Hello Moja Means One The Middle Passage Tom feelings died on August 25, 2003. Learn more about Tom feelings and...