
Learn about popular monthly observances.

Grades 3-5

Learn about popular monthly observances.

Please note: The photos currently in use date back to the original Periscope website, produced in 2000.

China | A World of Poetry
China | A World of Poetry
Episode 8


China The written form of Chinese poetry is believed to be over 22,000 years old. The first collection of Chinese poetry, The Book of Songs, was created between the 11th century and 2nd century B.C...
Eliminating Disease Through Education | Periscope
Eliminating Disease Through Education | Periscope
Episode 8


Today, the World Health Organization works to eliminate diseases such as AIDS. Like smallpox, AIDS is an epidemic, or incredibly widespread disease. Through WHO, the United Nations provides education...
Emily Dickinson | Poetry All-Stars
Emily Dickinson | Poetry All-Stars
Episode 8


Emily Dickinson 1830 - 1886 Emily Dickinson rarely left her home in Massachusetts, and her connection to the outside world was usually through letter writing. But Dickinson's creativity seemed to...
February 1926 & February 1976 | Periscope
February 1926 & February 1976 | Periscope
Episode 8


Fifty years apart... February 1926: First Negro History Week observed. February 1976: Negro History Week expanded by Congress to National Black History Month.
Medieval Book Cover | National Book Month
Medieval Book Cover | National Book Month
Episode 8


Handmade books were expensive and only very rich people could afford to buy them. Because it took so long to make one book, only a few books existed. There were no bookstores and the biggest library...
Philip Simmons | Periscope
Philip Simmons | Periscope
Episode 8


At the age of 12, Philip became an apprentice to a blacksmith. It was a hard job. Apprentices swept floors, shoed horses and worked simple pieces of iron while laboring around a hot forge. Only after...
Rosa Parks (1913 - 2005) | Periscope
Rosa Parks (1913 - 2005) | Periscope
Episode 8


In 1955, Rosa Parks sat in the "white only" section of a bus in Alabama as a way to tell the world that she was opposed to segregation. This inspired a boycott of the bus system that lasted over a...
Seira: Folk Dancer | Periscope
Seira: Folk Dancer | Periscope
Episode 8


Seira and her family moved to South Carolina from Mexico four years ago. She left behind many friends and family members. At 13 years old, she realized that it would be a challenge to adjust to her...
Snowbird Cherokee Community | Periscope
Snowbird Cherokee Community | Periscope
Episode 8


The Snowbird Cherokee community looks like a typical American community in many ways. There are schools, churches, cars and roads. The Snowbird Cherokee play on local football teams and Snowbird youth...
The Grass Dance | Periscope
The Grass Dance | Periscope
Episode 8


The Grass Dance originated with northern tribes, and was eventually passed down to southern tribes. It gets its name from the tradition of tying sweetgrass to the belts of the dancers. Today, the...