South Carolina Counties

The state of South Carolina is made up of 46 counties. Learn more about each county by selecting a county below to explore people, places and events.

The state of South Carolina is made up of 46 counties. Learn more about each county by selecting a county below to explore people, places and events.

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Within this Collection

Avery Institute | Road Trip


Curtis J. Franks addresses the role the Avery Institute played in instilling leadership skills in African Americans and the transition from a private to public school. CREDIT: Project Discovery...
Beaufort Organizations | Road Trip


Joseph McDomick, Jr., civil rights activist in Beaufort county, talks about the influence of civil rights organizations like SNCC, CORE, the NAACP, the Freedom Riders and the Black Panther Party.
Atlantic Beach | Road Trip


Atlantic Beach, nicknamed "The Black Pearl," was established about 1934 as an oceanfront community for blacks denied access by other area beaches by segregation. Many became year-round residents, but...
Clarendon County | Road Trip


Rev. J. A. DeLaine and several others helped build the national case Brown v. Board of Education. DeLaine's family and other Clarendon county residents recall the bravery shown by signers of the...
Jesse Jackson, Jr. on Economic Equality | Road Trip


Host, Listervelt Middleton, interviews the Rev. Jesse Jackson for the ETV series FOR THE PEOPLE. Jackson talks about the efforts of his organization Operation P.U.S.H. (People United to Save Humanity)...
Briggs v. Elliott | Road Trip


The Briggs v. Elliott case began as a simple request to provide bus transportation. In addition to having separate and very inferior facilities, black children had to walk to school, sometimes many...
Ferdinand Pearson on School Conditions | Road Trip


Ferdinand Pearson talks about the school conditions for black children in Clarendon County. Starting at the age of six, he had to walk to a school which was located over four miles away from his home.