South Carolina Counties

The state of South Carolina is made up of 46 counties. Learn more about each county by selecting a county below to explore people, places and events.

The state of South Carolina is made up of 46 counties. Learn more about each county by selecting a county below to explore people, places and events.

To view the state by tourism regions, visit ETV Shorts.

To view the state by landform regions, visit Web of Water or for the artistic sides of the state, visit A Natural State.

Within this Collection

 Triple P | WhatWorksSC
Triple P | WhatWorksSC


Triple P, the Positive Parenting Program, is a high quality, universally available, evidenced-based intervention with more than 20 years of peer-reviewed research. Triple P Greenville, launched in...
 Final Chapter  | The World of Cecil
Final Chapter | The World of Cecil


Cecil's career and life are described as essential in helping people understand the history, the sacrifices, and the victories of the movement. His dedication and ability to capture powerful moments...
 Art Architecture Invention | The World of Cecil
Art Architecture Invention | The World of Cecil


Cecil's frustration with racial barriers in his dream of becoming an architect fueled his innovative spirit. He embarked on a journey of self-learning, eventually designing houses, including one with...
 Cecil and Strom | The World of Cecil
Cecil and Strom | The World of Cecil


This chapter explores the complex relationship between Cecil Williams and Strom Thurmond, a prominent figure in South Carolina politics with a history of segregationist policies. Cecil Williams, who...
 Elloree | The World of Cecil
Elloree | The World of Cecil


This segment focuses on the actions of the state legislature in South Carolina, led by Governor George Bell Timmerman, to pass laws making it illegal to belong to the NAACP. Teachers in Elloree...
 The Orangeburg Massacre | The World of Cecil
The Orangeburg Massacre | The World of Cecil


In the final segment of The World of Cecil: Part One, the documentary recounts events from 1968 when students from South Carolina State University, led by John Stroman, attempted to desegregate the...