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Grace and Rachel Martin
Episode 4


Grace and Rachel Martin, Part 2 - A Different Path The Martins convince the courier to take a path that will add time to his route. They hatch a plan to dress as men and use a gun to coerce him to...
Grace and Rachel Martin
Episode 2


Grace and Rachel Martin, Part 1 - Vital Information Revealed The Martins compliment the soldier until he reveals the information he is carrying, which proves to be very vital information.
Emily Geiger
Episode 6


Emily Geiger, Part 6 - Conclusion When the woman enters, Emily pretends to sob and turns her back so she can continue to eat the note. She is searched and released, able to ride to the general and...
The Search | Idella Bodie's S.C. Women
Episode 5


Emily Geiger, Part 5 - The Search Emily is left alone while waiting for the woman who would search her, knowing if she is caught she could be killed. In a moment of courage and inventiveness, she...
Grace and Rachel Martin
Episode 7


Grace and Rachel Martin, Part 5 - Wrong Spies The Martins realize the courier does not believe they are the thieves of the papers and believes spies in the British Army or farmers informed the thieves...
Grace and Rachel Martin
Episode 5


Grace and Rachel Martin, Part 3 - Disguised as Men The sisters meet the courier at the bridge and force him to give them the important papers at gunpoint. The sisters are uncertain if the courier...
Grace and Rachel Martin
Episode 6


Grace and Rachel Martin, Part 4 - Consequences of Treason The courier returns to the Martins’ home, where he threatens the consequences of treason.