Science and Engineering Practices

Grade(s): Kindergarten

Subject(s): Science

Year: 2014

How-To Books
How-To Books


The students will be able to create a how-to book on something they know how to do well. They will be able to choose a topic from a list of ideas they generated themselves.

Melt the Ice - Rainbow Style
Melt the Ice - Rainbow Style


This lesson is full of learning opportunities! Students will learn basic science vocabulary, make hypothesees, make observations and work as a team to see who can make their rainbow ice melt the...

Mixtures and Solutions
Mixtures and Solutions


This STEAM lesson will have your pre-schoolers engaged in discovery with new materials, sensory play, and working on fine motor skills.

Celery Experiment
Celery Experiment


The students will learn about the importance of water and how plants need it in order to grow. They will investigate the color change in a celery experiment and record their findings in their plant...



The students will learn about the five senses while using their observation skills.