The World of Cecil

When the Civil Rights Movement in South Carolina hit its stride, Cecil Williams was there with his camera creating a visual record through marches, meetings, sit-ins, demonstrations and riots. A child of the movement, himself, Williams was both an active participant and a passionate observer and preserver of its history. It is a role he prepared for from childhood; a role he embraces, yet today.

Williams is outspoken in his belief that the Civil Rights Movement had its beginning in Clarendon County, South Carolina, and that South Carolina—especially his hometown of Orangeburg—played a critical and pivotal role on the national civil rights front, although its primacy and impact are little known and accorded scant recognition. Through publications, sharing his photographs, telling the stories—and most recently, creating a South Carolina Civil Rights Museum, Williams hopes to correct this oversight. The two-part documentary, The World of Cecil tells his story through glimpses of major events and people, illuminated by Cecil’s photographs. Along the way, we learn of the myriad talents and accomplishments of Cecil J. Williams, the man, who set out to help make the world a better place.

Within this Series

 Edwards v. South Carolina | The World of Cecil
Edwards v. South Carolina | The World of Cecil


Governor Fritz Hollings opposed protests at the State Capitol in South Carolina. The pivotal Edwards vs. South Carolina case arose from a 1961 civil rights demonstration against segregation. James...
 Elloree | The World of Cecil
Elloree | The World of Cecil


This segment focuses on the actions of the state legislature in South Carolina, led by Governor George Bell Timmerman, to pass laws making it illegal to belong to the NAACP. Teachers in Elloree...
 Final Chapter  | The World of Cecil
Final Chapter | The World of Cecil


Cecil's career and life are described as essential in helping people understand the history, the sacrifices, and the victories of the movement. His dedication and ability to capture powerful moments...
 Student Protests | The World of Cecil
Student Protests | The World of Cecil


Part 4 showcases the role of Orangeburg in the Civil Rights Movement and the influence of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.'s nonviolent resistance. Students in Orangeburg actively participated in marches...
 Student Protests | The World of Cecil -Shorts
Student Protests | The World of Cecil -Shorts


Learn about the pivotal role students and community leaders in Orangeburg, SC played in the struggle for civil rights. The Civil Rights Movement expanded across the state, including significant sit...