South Carolina Public Radio

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A Minute with Miles is hosted by longtime NPR commentator Miles Hoffman.

Historian Walter Edgar hosts Walter Edgar's Journal and South Carolina from A to Z with Walter Edgar.

Pinckney, Eliza Lucas | South Carolina Public Radio


“P” is for Pinckney, Eliza Lucas [ca. 1722-1793]. Planter. Matriarch. Born in the West Indies, Eliza Lucas moved to South Carolina with her family in the 1730s. In 1739, her father returned to the...
Means, John Hugh | South Carolina Public Radio


“M” is for Means, John Hugh [1812-1862]. Governor. After graduating from South Carolina College, Means became a successful planter in Fairfield District. After one term in the General Assembly, he...
Greeks | South Carolina Public Radio


“G” is for Greeks. Greek immigrants began arriving in South Carolina at the turn of the 20th century, seeking to escape the economic stagnation of their own country. They quickly found a niche in...
Hinton, James Miles | South Carolina Public Radio


“H” is for Hinton, James Miles [1891-1970]. Clergyman, businessman, civil rights leader. A native North Carolinian, Hinton began his business career in Augusta with the black-owned Pilgrim Health and...