South Carolina Public Radio

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A Minute with Miles is hosted by longtime NPR commentator Miles Hoffman.

Historian Walter Edgar hosts Walter Edgar's Journal and South Carolina from A to Z with Walter Edgar.

Charleston Museum | South Carolina Public Radio


“C” is for Charleston Museum. Founded in 1773, the museum originated as an auxiliary of the Charleston Library Society, dedicated to the collection, preservation, and study of “materials promoting a...
Hilton Head Island | South Carolina Public Radio


“H” is for Hilton Head Island [Beaufort County; population 33,862]. Located in the southeast corner of the state, Hilton Head Island is the largest of the islands that flank South Carolina’s Atlantic...
Grayson, William John | South Carolina Public Radio


“G” is for Grayson, William John [1788-1863]. Politician, planter, poet. Grayson spent much of his youth on Parris Island, the inspiration for his later pastoral verse. He graduated at the top of his...
Long, William Williams | South Carolina Public Radio


“L” is for Long, William Williams [1861-1934]. Agriculturalist. A native North Carolinian, Long worked his family farm before joining the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Bureau of Plant Industry. He...