
Learn about popular monthly observances.

Grades 3-5

Learn about popular monthly observances.

Please note: The photos currently in use date back to the original Periscope website, produced in 2000.

Tradition and The Snowbird | Periscope
Tradition and The Snowbird | Periscope
Episode 9


Over 500 Cherokee now live on tribal lands that make up the Snowbird Community. Tribal lands, or reservations, are protected for use by Native Americans. The Snowbird Cherokee have kept much of their...
Arts, Crafts and Food! Fry Bread | Periscope
Arts, Crafts and Food! Fry Bread | Periscope
Episode 9


Arts, Crafts and Food! Have you ever tasted fry bread or made a dreamcatcher? Powwows are great places to experience Native American crafts, clothing and food. Fry bread can be found at most powwows...
Seira: Folk Dancer | Periscope
Seira: Folk Dancer | Periscope
Episode 9


Seira has made many new friends and has adjusted well to her new home in South Carolina, but she misses the people and culture of Mexico. She introduces her new friends to her Hispanic heritage by...
Facts & Notes | National Book Month
Facts & Notes | National Book Month
Episode 10


To answer your inquiry, you will have to find more information. Here are some ways to do more research. Visit the area you observed earlier and study it a little closer. Now that you have your...
An Early Printing Press | National Book Month
An Early Printing Press | National Book Month
Episode 10


Printed books were much cheaper to make, so many more people bought books and learned to read. The ideas written in books spread quickly across Europe. The world was never the same once lots of people...
Women's Rights | Periscope
Women's Rights | Periscope
Episode 10


In many nations, women are not allowed to vote, receive an education, or hold a job. The United Nations works to help countries create equal rights for men and women. This U.N. poster from India...
League of Women Voters Billboard | Periscope
League of Women Voters Billboard | Periscope
Episode 10


The search for women's rights does not end with the 20th century. Currently, the League of Women Voters creates and reviews political platforms with women's issues in mind. The National Organization...