Learn how six-year-old Ruby Bridges became a hero! 

Painter Norman Rockwell paid tribute to Ruby's experience in his painting, "The Problem We All Live With."


en Espanol

 ¡Descubra como Ruby Bridges, de seis anos, se convirtió en un héroe! 

El pintor, Norman Rockwell, rinde un tributo a la experiencia de Ruby en su pintura The Problem We All Live With ( El problema con el que todos vivimos). 

Ruby Bridges (1960) | Periscope
Ruby Bridges (1960) | Periscope
Episode 1


Ruby Bridges' first day at William Frantz Elementary School was very unusual. Integration, or the sharing of schools by African American and white people, had recently become law in 1960. She was one...
Colored Water Fountain | Periscope
Colored Water Fountain | Periscope
Episode 2


Ruby was born in 1954. At the time, African-American children and white children had to attend separate schools. Segregation, or the separation of African American and white people, was practiced by...
Policemen & Federal Marshals | Periscope
Policemen & Federal Marshals | Periscope
Episode 3


By the time Ruby was six years old, there were new laws stating that African American and white students had to integrate, or share, schools. People such as Martin Luther King, Jr. had worked for...
Story of Ruby Bridges by Robert Coles | Periscope
Story of Ruby Bridges by Robert Coles | Periscope
Episode 4


Ruby's friend, psychiatrist Dr. Robert Coles, wrote "The Story of Ruby Bridges." At William Frantz, Ruby attended an empty classroom. Some parents refused to let their children go to the integrated...
Ruby Bridges  | Periscope
Ruby Bridges | Periscope
Episode 5


Ruby still lives in New Orleans. She runs the Ruby Bridges Foundation to help troubled children at William Frantz and other schools. With the group, Ruby travels the country advocating the importance...