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9154 Search Results
Marshland Crabs | What's Wild


We're exploring one of South Carolina's most productive and serene environments, the saltwater marsh. This rich and diverse ecosystem, brimming with marine species, has a dynamic rhythm that beats to...
New Technologies during WWII
New Technologies during WWII


Students will use the hyperlink provided in the document, and watch the Generation of Heroes videos to research and learn about new technologies used during World War 2. **Click here for Hyperlink...
Women and The American Revolution
Women and The American Revolution


During this one week lesson, students will use their analyzing, problem solving, cooperative, and creative skills to tell the story of a colonial woman from the Revolutionary War. These stories will...

Bottlenose Dolphin | What's Wild


In this edition of What's Wild, we're traveling to one of South Carolina's barrier islands and observing rare feeding techniques of resident bottlenose dolphins. Also, we'll be taking a look at...
Atomic Structure - Electron Arrangement in Atom
Atomic Structure - Electron Arrangement in Atom


1. Utilize their prior knowledge and thorough understanding of the atom, it’s structure, history that led to the modern atomic model 2. Revisit the following vocabularies; atom,

Remembering The Holocaust
Episode 4


A special vocal performance by Cantor Rabbi Levi Marrus HONORING the victims…and survivors of the Holocaust.
Remembering The Holocaust
Episode 2


Experience and explore the University of South Carolina’s Anne Frank Center, the first of its kind in North America.
Remembering The Holocaust
Episode 1


Listen to the woman who found Anne Frank’s diary after the Secret Annex was discovered by the Nazis.