ETV StreamlineSC

Find video series that have been locally produced by SCETV, or by SCETV with other entities, or with rights obtained for South Carolina-use ONLY.

Please note that some programs may be downloaded for educational use ONLY; however, others have rights restrictions that do not allow for downloading. For videos that can be downloaded for educational use, you will see a download button under the video player. Please contact us with any questions. 

Quarry | Eye Wonder


The Eye Wonder team investigates a quarry. D.V. visits a quarry and learns it is where valuable minerals and stones are mined and extracted for use in construction.
Pit Crew | Eye Wonder


The Eye Wonder team spends the day with a pit crew. D.V. learns about the physical challenges of working on a pit crew. He even gets to see a crew in action.
Vet School | Eye Wonder


The Eye Wonder team heads to vet school. D.V. heads to vet school to learn about the requirements to be a veterinarian and the sorts of things vet students learn in order to care for animals.
Physics | Eye Wonder


The Eye Wonder team investigates the forces of physics through a trip to the fair.
Cave | Eye Wonder


The Eye Wonder team explores a cave. D.V. visits Mammoth Cave and learns about the climate and temperature properties of a cave and what kinds of plants and animals live in caves.
Chef | Eye Wonder


The Eye Wonder team learns what it takes to be a chef. D.V. visits the Culinary Institute where he learns that being a chef is much more than cooking, with courses in math for purchasing, food service...
Movie Theater | Eye Wonder


The Eye Wonder team investigates a movie theater. D.V. goes behind the scenes to see how film is loaded and rolled, and all of the different equipment that brings a movie to the screen.
Plastic Bottle Recycling | Eye Wonder


The Eye Wonder team investigates how plastics are recycled. D.V. starts by seeing how plastics are separted and compressed into bails, then follows their journey as they are processed and recycled...