Brown, Elbert Brown, James Davis, Lena Harbin, James McKinley, Gale Smith, Alda Digital Traditions was developed to provide access to the Folklife Resource Center (FRC) at McKissick Museum. For thirty years, deeply rooted traditions like quilting, pottery, basketry, communal foodways, and folk music have been documented through audio, video, and photography.
Find special projects that have been digitized for exploration.
Brown, Elbert Brown, James Davis, Lena Harbin, James McKinley, Gale Smith, Alda Document
About The Materials The Educator Guides listed below were published to introduce teachers and students in the K-12 community to some of the rich South Carolina folklife traditions. These resources are...Document
Audio transcript from Considerable Grace Vol. IIDocument
Audio transcripts for Considerable Grace Vol. IDocument
The Crossroads of Clay project began in 1981, under the direction of Dr. George D. Terry, then Curator of History and Associate Director of McKissick Museum. The project aimed to research the...Document
The Survey of South Carolina’s Tradition Bearers is a documentation project of traditional artists in all forty-six counties of the Palmetto State. The survey provides a contemporary perspective on...