Digital Traditions - Special Projects

Digital Traditions was developed to provide access to the Folklife Resource Center (FRC) at McKissick Museum. For thirty years, deeply rooted traditions like quilting, pottery, basketry, communal foodways, and folk music have been documented through audio, video, and photography.

Find special projects that have been digitized for exploration.


Les Blank: Folklife on Film | Digital Traditions
Les Blank: Folklife on Film | Digital Traditions


by Annie Major. Major is a Film Studies student in the South Carolina Honors College at USC. This paper was written for a "Folklife in America" class. The simple moments in Les Blank’s films, whether...
Folklore in "The Sandlot" | Digital Traditions
Folklore in "The Sandlot" | Digital Traditions


by Emily Enloe. Enloe is a Dance Education major in the South Carolina Honors College at USC. This paper was written for the Spring 2009 class "Folklore and Film." A classic movie about a boy trying...
Folklore & Dormroom Décor | Digital Traditions
Folklore & Dormroom Décor | Digital Traditions


by Beth Hinson. Hinson is an International Studies student in the South Carolina Honors College at USC. This paper was written for the Fall 2007 class "Folklife in America." I have decided to address...