The Rollin Sisters | Sisterhood: SC Suffragists - Episode 4


The South Carolina Woman Suffrage Association was founded in Columbia in 1870, with Charlotte Rollin as the Chair. A charter is created and sent to Lucy Stone, one of the founders of the American Woman Suffrage Association, and the creation of South Carolina’s only AWSA chapter is approved. Charlotte Rollin and Lucy Stone maintain a correspondence. In 1871, the New York Sun and the New York Herald newspapers publish lengthy interviews with the Rollin Sisters, with scathing criticisms of the Republican South Carolina government. Regardless of the mixed reviews of the Rollin Sisters, there was agreement that Frances Rollin was a celebrated figure in South Carolina’s political circle. Meetings are held in the SC State House to amend the 1868 Constitution to include women’s suffrage, which ultimately fails, and suffrage for women would not come until decades later.


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