Gullah Roots: Penn Center, Education of Free Blacks, African Myths and Beliefs | Carolina Stories - Episode 9


The Penn Center, formerly the Penn School, was founded on Saint Helena Island, South Carolina, by Northern abolitionist missionaries. The school was created to educate freed people, and was one of the first schools for African Americans in the U.S. Today, the Penn Center is a community center, and a museum of Gullah Culture. 

APA Citation:

Newman, B. (2020, October 1). Gullah Roots [Video]. SCETV.

Chicago Manual Citation:

Newman, Betsy, dir. "Penn Center, Education of Free Blacks, African Myths and Beliefs." Gullah Roots.

      South Carolina ETV. Video File. October, 2020.

MLA Citation:

Newman, Betsy. "Gullah Roots." South Carolina ETV, 1 October 2020,