Much of the forested land in the Southeast is privately owned. Today, many landowners harvest their trees sustainably, preserving habitat for animals of all kinds, including the world’s most beautiful...Grade(s): 6
Subject(s): Science
Year: 2014
Much of the forested land in the Southeast is privately owned. Today, many landowners harvest their trees sustainably, preserving habitat for animals of all kinds, including the world’s most beautiful...Video
There are many myths about the bat species that are simply not true. Some people think that bats are bloodsucking vampires or that they are flying, blind mice that get stuck in your hair. Project...Lesson
Students will be able to compare endothermic and ectothermic animals by studying how they respond to the outside temperature. Students will complete activities to learn the difference between the two...
Students will learn about the differences between innate and learned behaviors in animals. They will watch videos, complete activities, and answer discussion questions that correspond to the videos...
Students will learn about how animals use behavior to respond to environmental stimuli that allow them to survive and reproduce. Students will watch videos and learn cooperatively to learn the content...
Students will learn that animals have special structures that enable them to survive in their natural environment. Students will watch videos and complete activities to learn the content. Students...
Students will create their own hierarchical taxonomic structure used to classify organisms. They will create their own mnemonic device to help remember the order of the structure. Students will design...
Students will learn how organisms obtain and use resources for energy, respond to stimuli, reproduce, and grow and develop. The final assessment will be a project in which the students choose an...
In Smack Dab in the Middle of Maybe, Cricket finds her father’s book about living off the land. In the book, he made notes about when he would teach Cricket certain skills. When Cricket was 10, he...
In Smack Dab in the Middle of Maybe, the main character Cricket finds a cricket stuck in a spider web. Cricket rescues the insect and names her Charlene. Students will use the adventures of Cricket...