South Carolina Public Radio

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A Minute with Miles is hosted by longtime NPR commentator Miles Hoffman.

Historian Walter Edgar hosts Walter Edgar's Journal and South Carolina from A to Z with Walter Edgar.

The Turning Point | Walter Edgar's Journal
Episode 2


In this section of Gettysburg, Dr. Mark Smith analyzes how Gettysburg was not just the turning point of the war itself, but how things changed politically and diplomatically between the Confederacy...
Violin Family II | A Minute with Miles
Episode 2


The members of the modern violin family are the violin, viola, cello, and double bass. These instruments are descendants of various kinds of medieval fiddles—fiddle, by the way, being an older word...
A Cornucopia Of Carrion | Walter Edgar's Journal
Episode 3


What must it have been like to be in the battle? In this section, Dr. Mark Smith describes the intense and gruesome details of the battle of Gettysburg. Things like what one would have seen, smelled...
A Historic Time Capsule | Walter Edgar's Journal
Episode 3


The Hunley is described as “a historic time capsule.” Sen. Glenn McConnell discusses using the clues found in the Hunley to piece together what happened the night it sank the U.S.S. Housatonic.
A Woman Ahead Of Her Time | Walter Edgar's Journal
Episode 3


Martha Daniels analyzes the albums’ “Panoramic Breadth,” and how Mary Chesnut was an educated woman ‘ahead of her time.’ Along with photos of famous Southerners, the albums also feature photographs of...
Andrew Pickens
Episode 3


Dr. Andrew briefly talks about the lukewarm sentiment of those living in the backcountry of South Carolina during the early days of the American Revolution. He also talks about how Andrew Pickens got...
Battle At Champion's Hill | Walter Edgar's Journal
Episode 3


In this segment, Winston Groom talks about how Grant’s forces had to “live off the land,” since their supplies were taken months before. General Grant takes his forces to Jackson, Mississippi, where...