South Carolina Public Radio

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A Minute with Miles is hosted by longtime NPR commentator Miles Hoffman.

Historian Walter Edgar hosts Walter Edgar's Journal and South Carolina from A to Z with Walter Edgar.

Life In Fort Sumter | Walter Edgar's Journal
Episode 6


Fort Sumter, now heavily damaged from years of attacks by the Union fleet, is a tough place for Confederate forces to live: living in trenches over-run with rats and roaches, while under constant...
Andrew Pickens
Episode 7


After the Revolutionary War, Pickens becomes known as the premiere negotiator with Native American Indians. Pickens, who originally established a reputation as an Indian fighter, emerges as a peace...
Understanding The Past | Walter Edgar's Journal
Episode 7


John Slaughter discusses the challenge of putting people back in the mindset of the past, in order to fully understand it. Slaughter points out an incongruencewith trying to understand history, and...
Dixon's Gold Coin | Walter Edgar's Journal
Episode 7


Before the Hunley was found, Lieutenant George Dixon’s gold coin was just considered a legend. Dr. Maria Jacobsen tells the story and significance behind Lt. Dixon’s coin, and shares her excitement...