South Carolina Public Radio

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A Minute with Miles is hosted by longtime NPR commentator Miles Hoffman.

Historian Walter Edgar hosts Walter Edgar's Journal and South Carolina from A to Z with Walter Edgar.

A Significant Setback | Walter Edgar's Journal
Episode 5


Dr. Smith outlines the decrease in morale in the South after Gettysburg. The South suffered heavy losses, and some critics made their feelings known regarding General Robert E. Lee, and Confederate...
Abandonment Of Fort Wagner | Walter Edgar's Journal
Episode 5


September 6, 1863: The final assault on Battery Wagner by Federal forces causes the Confederate troops to abandon the fort. With Battery Wagner now empty, the Union troops can now turn their guns on...
The Port Royal Experiment | Walter Edgar's Journal
Episode 5


This is an excerpt from the University of South Carolina public series, Conversations on the Civil War - 1863. Dr. Walter Edgar speaks to Dr. Thavolia Gylmph, Duke University, about the Port Royal...
Andrew Pickens
Episode 6


With the fall of Charleston at the hands of the British in 1780, the patriot militia officers in the area (including Pickens) laid down their arms and signed a parole, which meant that the person...
Battlefield Preservation | Walter Edgar's Journal
Episode 6


Walter Edgar and John Slaughter discuss how the Civil War Battlefield Trust has taken an interest in Revolutionary War battlefields, and their efforts in wanting to preserve these historic locations...
The SC State Fair Today | Walter Edgar's Journal
Episode 6


Today, a private board of trustees runs the SC State Fair. Walter Edgar recalls his younger years, and remembers the “girly shows” at the SC State Fair, which discontinued around 1975. The last of the...
Supply And Demand For Cotton | Walter Edgar's Journal
Episode 6


With the success of cotton in South Carolina, entrepreneurs in other states looked to cash in on the success of cotton plantations. When the cotton economy and market-shares begin to decline in S.C...