South Carolina Public Radio

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A Minute with Miles is hosted by longtime NPR commentator Miles Hoffman.

Historian Walter Edgar hosts Walter Edgar's Journal and South Carolina from A to Z with Walter Edgar.

Rise of Violin | A Minute with Miles


Have you ever wondered how the violin came to play such an important role in the history of classical music? Well, it starts with singing. The invention of opera, in late 16th century Florence, marks...
Rivers | South Carolina Public Radio


“R” is for Rivers. South Carolina has an abundance of rivers that originate within the state or that enter from Georgia and North Carolina and drain land as far away as Virginia. These rivers flow...
Rivers, John Minott | South Carolina Public Radio


“R” is for Rivers, John Minott [1903-1988]. Broadcasting executive. After college, Rivers, a native of Charleston, moved to Greenville. There he became friends with the president of the Liberty Life...
Rivers, Lucius Mendel | South Carolina Public Radio


“R” is for Rivers, Lucius Mendel [1905-1970]. Congressman. Rivers successfully passed the bar exam by reading law. In 1933 he was elected to the South Carolina House of Representatives and served...
Roads and Highways | South Carolina Public Radio


“R” is for Roads and Highways. Until the War of 1812, South Carolina’s roads were secondary to water transportation. During the 1820s, the legislature appropriated funds to build the State Road to...
Robert Mills House | South Carolina Public Radio


“R” is for Robert Mills House [Columbia]. A National Historic Landmark, Columbia’s Robert Mills House is most noted for its association with the first American-trained architect and the first federal...