South Carolina Future Minds

Title: Type
 SmartARTS WhatWorksSC
SmartARTS WhatWorksSC


SmartARTS is Metropolitan Arts Council’s successful arts education/STEAM initiative. Founded in 2002, it provides Greenville County Schools with teaching artists, art supplies, professional...
 The Parenting Partnerships | WhatWorksSC
The Parenting Partnerships | WhatWorksSC


The Parenting Partnerships mission is to support parents by providing education, information, and resources that parents can use in their role as their child's first and most important teacher...
 Kids On Point | WhatWorksSC
Kids On Point | WhatWorksSC


Kids On Point, located in Charleston, works in direct partnership with institutions of public education to extend, support, and enhance classroom learning by addressing 3rd-12th grade students’...
 Triple P | WhatWorksSC
Triple P | WhatWorksSC


Triple P, the Positive Parenting Program, is a high quality, universally available, evidenced-based intervention with more than 20 years of peer-reviewed research. Triple P Greenville, launched in...
 Upstate Schools Consortium | WhatWorksSC
Upstate Schools Consortium | WhatWorksSC


The Upstate Schools Consortium offers professional development opportunities throughout the school year related to a wide range of topics, from literacy and math to college and career readiness to...
Macromolecules Diabetic meal Festivity
Macromolecules Diabetic meal Festivity


A balanced diet should consist of the 3 major Macromolecules (Carbohydrates, Lipids and Proteins) along with Micronutrients(Minerals and Vitamins) and water. Daily in cooking we use Macromolecules...